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发布时间:2018-02-13 04:20

  本文关键词: 教师的教学理念 学生的学习理念 英语教和学 初中 出处:《贵州师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Many previous studies show that the teaching concept of teachers affect their teaching behavior. But the students learning different beliefs, learning strategies and the results are different. The English teaching and learning have significant influence. The results of previous studies and related theories based on the practical problems, this thesis will focus on the existing in a suburb of Guizhou city in Guiyang Province ordinary middle school English teaching to explore. Through the typical case investigation and analysis of teachers' teaching ideas and learning concepts, explore their beliefs on the impact of the two brought in behavior and results, in order to find the inherent reasons of English teaching effect and teaching quality is not high. Due to human factors region, compared to English teaching the school in other schools in the area, has been located in the middle low level, and in the province in suburban and rural school teaching this kind of situation exists, therefore, is a representative of the case. The investigation and analysis of the results for English teachers and English teaching research and the knowledge management problem provides some inspiration, provide the basis for improving the teaching situation to take the necessary measures. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to reveal the English teachers and the teaching of the English like her teaching and learning in English learning in the relationship, exploring the relationship between different learning results of students and teachers and students' conceptions of reason. Based on this study, this paper addresses the following research questions: (1) two classes in the study that the students have what kind of idea of English learning? What are these ideas affect their English learning behavior? (2) the study that the teachers have what kind of English teaching idea? What are these ideas influence on her English teaching decisions and actions? (3) in learning English, the old What are the cross effect of teacher and students of the two classes of ideas? The teaching behavior of teachers, learning behavior and learning achievement of students to produce what kind of results? This research is a case study, based on qualitative analysis, supplemented by quantitative analysis. According to the questionnaire, interview and observation records and student achievement. The study included 90 patients in two classes of grade eight students and the class English teachers. The main findings are as follows: (1) the two classes of students' learning behavior in the different ideas, different ideas effect will bring different results. In the two class, English students with good results and they have a stronger learning motivation and expectations, and the English national psychological cultural distance, in English learning tend to practice more, exchange and use of English, and the teacher's teaching concept teaching of English learning to a British self-confidence. Language achievement of poor students, their motivation for learning English is weak, not high expectations for learning English, teaching ideas and teacher's larger differences, difficulties in learning English, to give up learning English. (2) the examination is the dominant idea of the concept of teacher's teaching. The teaching and learning have a significant negative impact the decision for students. All her teaching decision is all about the exam, but the actual level and reflective teaching. Whether the students students in her teaching under the influence, will also test as a learning objective. And when the test scores of students is not good, by the teacher criticism, they also lose confidence in learning (3). English teaching and learning, with teachers and students. The concept of cross influence students' English learning beliefs influence their learning behavior and learning behavior. They affect the teacher's teaching attitude. On the contrary, the teacher's teaching attitude The influence of teaching behavior, the teaching behavior affects students' learning beliefs. But the teacher's idea occupies the dominant position. Therefore, to change the English poor grades of students' attitudes and behavior, the teacher should first change their attitudes and behavior. In two classes the teacher taught in class eight (3) the students and the teacher is consistent with the concept of more students, the implementation of the teacher's teaching in their class more. And in eight (1) class, there are differences with the concept of teachers and students are the teachers in their class there is no better effect, eight (3) class average score is eight (1) class. Finally, this paper puts forward some teaching and learning implications, and recommendations for future research.



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