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发布时间:2018-02-13 13:57

  本文关键词: 显性互文性 构成性互文性 国情咨文 建构身份 出处:《西安工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The term intertextuality is put forward French Semiologist Kristeva at the end of 1960s, and then, this concept became a literary theory and discourse analysis research field. This paper aims to study the intertextuality of President Clinton and Obama state of the union, explain how intertextuality in identity construction effectively, reveal Clinton and President Obama how to successfully use intertextuality points, to obtain public support, so as to realize the construction of their identity. The theoretical framework of this paper is Hatim and Mason proposed by Weng Yuanyuan, and by extension, contains six kinds of "dominant" intertextuality and three types of constitutive intertextuality "category. In view of the special corpus and the feasibility of the analysis, combined with the source of Chen Jianping's classification of intertextuality, this paper sums up the" dominant "intertextuality, established a comprehensive analysis framework. The data From Clinton (1993-2000) and Obama (2009-2016) the 16 state of the Union during the post, does not carry on the comparison. This article from the "dominant" intertextuality: the Constitution and the law, celebrity discourse, religion and the Bible, proverbs and idioms, local discourse, international discourse, the seven aspects of general public discourse and "constitutive" intertextuality of the three aspects of theme, rhetoric, genre analysis. This paper uses qualitative analysis data with simple statistics, qualitative analysis of identity construction focuses on the state of the Union; the use frequency of the main statistical number of statistical categories in this paper. The situation of intertextuality. The results show that the intertextual discourse is an important discourse strategy, widespread the state of the Union in which the frequency of use of manifest intertextuality is 46.2%, which is 53.8% of the frequency of use of intertextuality; intertextual properties play an important role in the construction of identity, and identity has consciousness The nature of the form; President Clinton and Obama are committed to the construction of a positive individual, group and national identity in the state of the Union address.



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