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发布时间:2018-02-14 22:27

  本文关键词: 异域文化特色 《茶叶种植园主的妻子》 文化翻译观 文化可译性 出处:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇英译汉翻译报告。报告选取了英国小说作家黛娜·杰弗里斯(Dinan Jefferies)的爱情小说《茶叶种植园主的妻子》(TheTeaPlanter's Wife)作为翻译的源文本。译者从中选取了小说的序言部分及前一至三章进行了翻译。该小说是一部充满异域文化特色的小说。故事主要讲述了女主人公格温从英国来到斯里兰卡后的婚姻生活,以及她在文化冲突与情感波折中不断成长的经历。该报告基于源文本中突出的异域文化特色,并且结合翻译过程中所遇到的难点和重点,在文化翻译观的指导下,通过对具体翻译案例的分析和处理,总结归纳出了针对文本所蕴含的文化元素而采取的翻译策略和具体的翻译方法。翻译报告从词汇、句子、语段三个方面来分析案例中的文化内涵并总结相应的翻译策略与方法,从而说明翻译中不仅要注重语言层面的"对等"及技巧,还要注重文化元素的翻译。只有这样才能使译文达到"信、达、雅"的基本要求,同时也体现了文化的可译性。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation report by English-to-Chinese. It selects the Tea Planterior's Wifeby the Love novel by British novelist Dinan Jefferies as the source text. The translator selects the preface of the novel from it. The novel is a novel full of exotic cultural characteristics. The story mainly tells the story of the heroine Gwen's marriage life after she came to Sri Lanka from England. And her growing experience in cultural conflicts and emotional twists and turns. The report is based on the salient foreign cultural characteristics of the source text and combines the difficulties and emphases encountered in the translation process under the guidance of the cultural translation perspective. Through the analysis and treatment of specific translation cases, this paper summarizes the translation strategies and specific translation methods for the cultural elements contained in the text. By analyzing the cultural connotations of the case and summarizing the corresponding translation strategies and methods, it is shown that the translation should not only pay attention to the "equivalence" and skills at the linguistic level. Only in this way can the translation achieve the basic requirements of "letter, reach, elegance" and embody the translatability of culture.


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