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发布时间:2018-02-14 22:33

  本文关键词: 英语词汇教学 词汇学习工具 词汇记忆 出处:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Vocabulary is to language what brick is to edifice. The importance of vocabulary is self-evident. However, there are still many problems in vocabulary teaching in our country in the initial stage of English teaching. For example, English teaching "distortion", emphasis on rote memorization, lack of scientific testing and review methods, etc. With the development of information technology, The popularity of intelligent terminals and the Internet has led to a new thinking on learning English words. A large number of English vocabulary learning tools have sprung up one after another. However, How to combine English vocabulary tools with teaching activities is the key factor restricting the regular use of vocabulary tools in English teaching. The purpose of this paper is to improve the efficiency of English vocabulary teaching. Combining vocabulary learning tools with Ibinhaus' memory principle, this paper formulates a vocabulary teaching strategy under the environment of wisdom classroom, and selects two classes in a middle school in Chongqing. An empirical study of vocabulary teaching under this strategy is carried out. The effectiveness of vocabulary teaching tools under this teaching method is tested by comparative analysis of experimental results. The thesis has six main parts: the first part is the introduction. After introducing the research background of this paper, The purpose and significance of this study are discussed, and then the research content and research framework of the text are drawn up, and the relevant literature and practice at home and abroad are summarized and combed. The second part is the classroom application analysis of vocabulary learning tools. First of all, the paper puts forward the theoretical basis of applying vocabulary tools to classroom teaching, and then analyzes the choice of vocabulary tools. The third part is about the experimental design of English vocabulary tools in the wisdom classroom. This experiment belongs to the category of quasi-experimental methods and adopts quasi-experimental design. First, the experimental design is carried out; secondly, the experimental design is carried out. Finally, collect and collate the data. 4th part is to collect experimental data, and analyze and discuss. 5th part is the improvement and suggestion to the teaching strategy. As the behavior of teachers and students changes, By analyzing the changes and problems, the author improves the vocabulary teaching strategy. Part 6th is a summary and prospect. In this part, according to the experimental data of the former part, the conclusion of the study is drawn, and at the same time, The results and shortcomings of this study are summarized, and provide reference and guidance for the future research.


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2 钟志贤;陈春生;;作为学习工具的概念地图[J];中国电化教育;2004年01期

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