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发布时间:2018-02-19 19:23

  本文关键词: 听辨困扰 概率预期 预测 可能性 出处:《外国语文》2017年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:本文梳理和分析译员在英汉口译中的六大听辨困扰及其产生根源,借切尔诺夫(Ghelly V.Chernov)的"同传的概率预期模型"的核心概念作为理论支撑,以2014年3月15日马来西亚总理纳吉布就马航MH370失联召开的媒体声明中的典型听辨困扰为例,从语音、句法、语义和语用四个微观层面来验证"预测"这一具体听辨技能在缓解英汉口译中听辨困扰的可能性,有效提高译文质量,使译文摆脱源语言的束缚而更加符合目的语的表达习惯的作用。从理论和实践两方面回答预测将如何在听辨过程中被译员自觉主动科学地运用,并在多大程度上缓解译员信息输入环节中的听辨困扰,又将对译员的信息输出有何影响等问题,以期强化口译学习者和教学者对"预测"这一认知原技能的认识,从而促进这一技能在口译听辨过程中的自主科学地得以应用。
[Abstract]:This paper combs and analyzes the six major listening problems of interpreters in English and Chinese interpreting and their root causes, and uses the core concept of the "probabilistic expectation Model" of Chernov, Ghelly V. Chernov, as the theoretical support. Take Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib on March 15th 2014 as an example of typical hearing problems in a media statement on the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines' MH370, from the perspective of pronunciation and syntax. Four microcosmic levels of semantics and pragmatics are used to verify the possibility of "prediction" as a specific listening skill in alleviating the problem of listening in English and Chinese interpretation, and to improve the quality of the translation effectively. In order to get rid of the shackles of the source language, the target text can be more in line with the expression habit of the target language. In both theory and practice, the translator will answer the prediction how the interpreter will consciously and scientifically use it in the process of listening to the target language. The extent to which the difficulty of listening in the information input of interpreters is alleviated, and how will it affect the information output of interpreters, in order to enhance the understanding of the cognitive original skill of "prediction" by both learners and teachers of interpretation, is discussed in this paper. So as to promote the autonomous and scientific application of this skill in the listening process of interpretation.
【作者单位】: 四川外国语大学翻译学院;


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