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发布时间:2018-03-01 05:34

  本文关键词: 框架语义 词块 词汇教学 初中英语 出处:《长江大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Vocabulary is a very important part of language learning. Nowadays, vocabulary teaching has been paid more and more attention. In the present junior middle school English vocabulary teaching, students passively accept vocabulary, which is time-consuming and inefficient, and can not stimulate students' interest in vocabulary learning. It is also not conducive to the development of students' English learning ability. How to help them to memorize and understand, Searching and using vocabulary has become a topic of concern to teachers and researchers. It is a beneficial attempt to apply the research results of cognitive linguistics to acquisition and teaching practice. Many theories in cognitive linguistics have been introduced into the study of second language acquisition. However, few scholars have paid much attention to the role of frame semantics in second language vocabulary acquisition. The framework semantics proposed by Fillmore provides people with a different way of understanding and describing the meaning of word items, and follows the theory of frame semantics. The premise of understanding lexical meaning is to grasp the semantic framework of the word, the interrelation between the core members in the framework and the applicable situation. Second language vocabulary acquisition involves the meaning of the vocabulary, usage and association with other words, etc. This provides the background and motivation for the study of second language vocabulary acquisition based on frame semantics. The purpose of this study is to explore whether frame semantic theory can improve students' ability to learn vocabulary in vocabulary teaching and whether it has a positive effect on junior high school English teaching. Will students' interest in learning English vocabulary be enhanced? 2) can this study promote the growth of students' English vocabulary knowledge? 3) can this action study improve students' ability to use English vocabulary? This paper introduces the origin and background of this teaching action research, expounds the theoretical basis of the research and the present research situation of vocabulary teaching at home and abroad, introduces the process of action research, and finally analyzes the students' test results. The following conclusion is drawn: (1) the vocabulary teaching students under the guidance of frame linguistics are recognized. It is an effective way to improve students' vocabulary learning concepts and vocabulary learning strategies. 3) Framework vocabulary training can improve students' ability to use vocabulary correctly. 4) students' comprehensive vocabulary use ability and English learning ability. Through this action study, students' vocabulary learning has been promoted. It increases students' vocabulary knowledge and enhances students' ability to use vocabulary. Class pre-test using vocabulary frame teaching method shows great progress in post-test. More importantly, students have learned to use effective learning strategies. And developed the good habit of reviewing, stimulated the students' interest in learning English, and also exercised their ability of cooperation and communication. These gains are not only beneficial to the study of English, but also to the study of other subjects. It even lays a good foundation for their lifelong learning. The shortcomings of this study are that the number of subjects is small and the choice is subjective, the teaching plan based on frame semantics is not perfect enough; It is necessary to carry out further research and practice to make this teaching method more effective.


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