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发布时间:2018-03-01 20:18

  本文关键词: 非英语专业研究生 跨文化敏感度 习语习得 语言水平 出处:《江南大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:作为语言的精髓,习语在二语学习中发挥着非常重要的作用。对习语的熟悉度和是否能够准确使用它们已经成为衡量二语水平的一个重要标准。众所周知,多数习语蕴含着丰富的文化内涵,包括地理环境、生活方式、宗教信仰、历史事件等等,这些文化内涵在一定程度上折射出了本族语者的思维方式和情感态度。然而,也正是这些文化信息对二语学习者理解和使用习语造成了困难,在一定程度上阻碍了跨文化交际的顺利进行。近年来,作为跨文化交际能力的重要组成部分,跨文化敏感度已成为许多研究者的关注热点。近几年来,许多研究者多侧重于对习语习得和跨文化敏感度的单独考察,对于两者关系的研究鲜有涉及。然而,在习语习得中,学习者对于习语中的文化因素的掌握程度直接影响了习语习得的效果,因而促进学习者对异国文化内涵的学习成为关键。而跨文化敏感度恰巧体现了学习者对于文化差异的认识、理解和接受程度。所以,研究二者的关系一方面可以了解二语学习者对于异域文化内涵的习得现状,另一方面有助于实现习语习得和跨文化敏感度培养的相互促进,共同提高。此外,多数研究均选取本科生或者中学生作为研究对象,而对研究生的研究较少。众所周知,研究生是国家精心培养的专业人员,对这个特殊群体进行研究显得尤为重要。因此,本文旨在研究非英语专业研究生的跨文化敏感度及其五个层面与习语习得的现状,以及探讨两者之间的相关关系。另外,把学习者的二语语言水平作为变量进行考察,探究语言水平是否对学习者的习语习得和跨文化敏感度水平产生影响。本研究具体回答以下三个问题:1)非英语专业研究生跨文化敏感度的现状如何?不同语言水平的学生的跨文化敏感度是否有差异?若有,主要体现在哪一方面?2)非英语专业研究生的英语习语习得的现状如何?不同语言水平的学生的习语习得情况是否有差异?3)非英语专业研究生的跨文化敏感度与习语习得之间是否存在相关性?若存在相关性,相关程度如何?本研究共选取某大学106名非英语专业研究生作为受试者。本研究采用了定量研究和定性研究相结合的方法。研究所采用的跨文化敏感度量表和习语测试分别用来测量学生的跨文化敏感度和习语习得水平。共收取有效问卷100份。根据他们的期末测试成绩,25名得分较低的受试被分为低水平组,29名得分较高的受试被划为高水平组。跨文化敏感度问卷和习语测试结果被输入SPSS 13.0进行统计分析。为了丰富问卷和测试研究结果,本研究还采用了半结构式访谈,根据跨文化敏感度和习语习得测试结果,选择十名具有代表性的受试进行深入访谈,以探究受试者跨文化敏感度和习语习得的潜在影响因素。通过数据分析,得出以下结果:1)受试者的跨文化敏感度处于中等水平,他们对于异国文化持有积极态度。在跨文化敏感度五个层面中,学生的差异认同感最强,而交际信心最弱。此外,二语水平对于受试者的跨文化敏感度没有显著性影响。2)受试者的习语习得情况较差,二语水平对受试的习语习得有着显著性的影响。3)跨文化敏感度的五要素之间存在不同程度的相关性。受试者的跨文化敏感度与习语习得之间存在正相关关系。跨文化敏感度的五要素中,只有交际信心与习语习得存在显著的相关性。研究结果表明,一方面,教师可以通过提高学生的跨文化敏感度来促进二语习语习得,将跨文化敏感度的培养贯穿于二语习语教学中。教师应在日常教学中注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力,尤其是培养学生的跨文化交际信心。学校应该着力于设置真正能够培养学生跨文化意识发展的课程,为学生创造真实、自然的跨文化交际活动情境。另一方面,丰富的习语知识也有助于学生的跨文化敏感度的提高。教师应该改变以往只注重语言知识传授的教学方法,应更加注重文化教学,鼓励学生通过各种途径了解异国文化,多去挖掘习语背后的文化信息,利用合适的语境帮助了解习语,并且学会灵活运用。此外,考虑到学生的二语语言水平对于英语习语习得的显著影响,教师在习语教学中应该努力做到因材施教。
[Abstract]:As the essence of language, idioms play a very important role in two language learning. The idiom familiarity and whether can use them has become an important standard to measure the level of the two language. As everyone knows, most idioms contain rich cultural connotations, including geographical environment, lifestyle, religion, history these events, the cultural connotation in a certain extent reflects the native way of thinking and emotional attitude. However, it is also the cultural information of two language learners to understand and use idioms difficult, to a certain extent, hinders the cross-cultural communication smoothly. In recent years, as an important part of intercultural communicative competence, intercultural sensitivity has become the focus of many researchers. In recent years, many researchers focus on the study of individual Idiom Acquisition and intercultural sensitivity Study on the relationship between the two, rarely involved. However, in the idiom acquisition, learners to grasp the cultural factors in idioms directly affects the idiom acquisition effect, thus promoting learners of foreign cultural studies has become a key. And intercultural sensitivity happens to reflect the learners understanding of cultural differences, understanding and acceptance. Therefore, research the relationship between the two one can understand the two language learners for the acquisition of foreign culture connotation, on the other hand, contribute to the realization of Idiom Acquisition and intercultural sensitivity training and promote each other, improve together. In addition, most of the studies were selected as the object of study of middle school students or undergraduates, while research on graduate graduate students is less. As everyone knows, the national training professionals of this special group of research is particularly important. Therefore, this paper aims to Study on the present situation of non English major students of intercultural sensitivity and its five aspects and Idiom Acquisition, and to explore the relationship between the two. In addition, the learners' two language level as a variable of inquiry language proficiency of learners of idioms learning influence and intercultural sensitivity level. This study specifically to answer the following three questions: 1) what is the status of the intercultural sensitivity of non English Major Postgraduates? Different language level of the students' intercultural sensitivity if there were differences? If there is, which is mainly reflected in a? 2) how is the status quo of English Idiom Acquisition of non English Major Postgraduates of idioms? The acquisition of different language level students whether there are differences? 3) whether there is a correlation between non English Major Postgraduates' intercultural sensitivity and Idiom Acquisition? If there is correlation, the correlation degree? A university study selected 106 non English major graduate students as subjects. This study adopts the methods of quantitative and qualitative research. The Intercultural Sensitivity Scale and idioms tests were used to measure student intercultural sensitivity and Idiom Acquisition level used in the study. A total of 100 effective questionnaires were collected according to their test scores. The final score, 25 volunteers were divided into low low level group, 29 high score subjects were classified as high level group. Intercultural Sensitivity Questionnaire and idioms test results are input into SPSS 13 for statistical analysis. In order to enrich the results of questionnaire and test research, this study using semi-structured interviews, according to the intercultural sensitivity and Idiom Acquisition test results, select ten representative subjects conducted in-depth interviews, to explore the potential effects of the participants' intercultural sensitivity and Idiom Acquisition The influencing factors. Through the analysis of the data, draw the following results: 1) cross cultural subjects' sensitivity in the middle level, they hold a positive attitude to exotic culture. In the intercultural sensitivity of five levels, the differences between the students and the identity of the strongest, the weakest communication. In addition, the two language level for subjects the intercultural sensitivity did not significantly affect.2) subjects' acquisition of idioms is poor, the two language level has a significant influence of.3 on subjects' Idiom Acquisition) there are different degrees of correlation between the five elements of cross cultural sensitivity. There is a positive correlation between the subjects of the intercultural sensitivity with the acquisition of idioms. The five elements of cross cultural sensitivity in the only communication confidence and Idiom Acquisition exist significant correlation. The results of the study show that, on the one hand, teachers can improve the students' intercultural sensitivity to promote two language learning idioms Well, the cultivation of intercultural sensitivity throughout two idioms teaching. Teachers should cultivate students' intercultural communicative competence in daily teaching, especially in the cultivation of students' intercultural communication confidence. The school should focus on setting can cultivate students' cross-cultural awareness of the development of the curriculum, for students to create real. The nature of Intercultural communication context. On the other hand, rich knowledge of idioms also contribute to students' intercultural sensitivity improved. Teachers should change the traditional teaching methods focus on language knowledge, we should pay more attention to culture teaching, encourage students to understand foreign culture through various channels, how to dig behind the idioms the cultural information, using appropriate context to help understand and learn idioms, flexible use. In addition, considering the students' two language level to significantly influence the English Idiom Acquisition, teachers in Xi In the teaching of language, we should try our best to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.



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