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发布时间:2018-03-02 10:02

  本文关键词: 功能对等 翻译技巧 E学习 《E学习:教学设计、组织策略与管理》(第二十章)翻译实践报告 出处:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译实践报告,其所依据的原文为博伊卡·甘蒂娜诺娃(Boyka Gradinarova)编著的《E学习:教学设计、组织策略与管理》(E-Learning-Instructional Design,Organizational Strategy and Management)中的第二十章“云计算和场景技术推进中小企业的E学习”(Improving E-Learning in SMEs through Cloud Computing and Scenarios)。本章作者是伊莱亚娜·汉堡(Ileana Hamburg)。原文主要介绍中小型企业使用E学习等学习方法在激烈的竞争中奋力求生的情况,其中云计算、云架构和基于场景等新技术被应用于改进E学习方法,原文也列举出一些项目运用这些新技术的示例。本翻译实践报告主要包括四个部分:第一部分是翻译实践报告的介绍,包括项目背景,意义和报告结构。第二部分是关于出版情况,主要内容和对源文本的分析。第三部分介绍报告的理论基础,即功能对等理论,并且讨论翻译的难点,如术语,语义较多的特定词,长而复杂的句子。为了解决上述问题,笔者采用的方法主要是转换,增词和拆分等翻译技巧。第四部分总结了翻译实践的经验教训和要处理的问题。
[Abstract]:This is a translation practice report based on "E Learning: instructional Design" by Boyka Gradinarova, Boyka Gantina Nova. Learning-Instructional Design and Organizational Strategy and Management. Chapter 20th, "improving E-Learning in SMEs through Cloud Computing and scenarios." the author of this chapter is Ileana Hamburg.Proving E-Learning in SMEs through Cloud Computing and. Industry uses learning methods such as E-learning to survive in fierce competition, New technologies such as cloud computing, cloud architecture and scenarios are being used to improve E learning, This translation practice report mainly consists of four parts: the first part is the introduction of the translation practice report, including the background of the project. Meaning and report structure. The second part deals with publication, main content and analysis of the source text. The third part introduces the theoretical basis of the report, the functional equivalence theory, and discusses the difficulties of translation, such as terminology. In order to solve the above problems, the author mainly adopts translation techniques such as transformation, word addition and split. Part 4th summarizes the experience and lessons of translation practice and the problems to be dealt with.


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