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发布时间:2018-03-04 16:35

  本文选题:框架理论 切入点:娱乐框架 出处:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the entertainment reporting style seems to break the pattern of the traditional mainstream media political news reports, and the political news gradually becomes more and more entertaining. This paper borrows the entertainment framework of the scholar Elliott on the basis of the frame theory. Taking the 2016 US presidential election as the theme event, This paper makes a comparative analysis of the main frame and attitude tendency of the two news websites, the Sun News and the New York Post, about the election report. The method used in this study is the content analysis method. Firstly, the reports of the two websites were sampled by using the method of constructing artificial week, then all the samples were coded according to the definition and coding requirements of the constructed categories, and the data were statistically analyzed. There are significant differences in the thematic framework between the Sun and the New York Post reports on the 2016 presidential election. The entertainment tendency of the Sun is significantly higher than that of the New York Post. The proportion of entertainment and non-entertainment coverage on the Sun is basically equal. But the New York Post net mainly takes the non-entertainment report. The two news websites' non-entertainment report also has the obvious difference in the specific topic distribution, among them, the Sun newspaper's public opinion report is the most, the second is the selection analysis and the topic type report; However, the New York Post is the most prominent report in the category of election analysis and topic. It can be seen that the Sun is more likely to report on the US presidential election as a "spectator" rather than paying much attention to politics. However, the New York Post is more concerned with major issues related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, such as the state of the war and the different political views of the two candidates. The entertainment reports on both websites focus on scandals, soft news and stars related to Hillary and Trump candidates. The difference is not obvious. There is a clear difference between the two websites in terms of overall tendency. The Sun is mainly neutral and negative, while the New York Post is more objective and neutral. There is no significant difference in the two websites' attitudes toward Hillary and Trump, both of whom are more focused on Trump, both with positive and negative coverage.


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