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发布时间:2018-03-04 20:30

  本文选题:传媒新词热词 切入点:生态翻译 出处:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着社会的变化与发展,传媒日益发挥着重要的作用,传媒当中出现的各种新词热词也得到人们的广泛关注与使用。新词热词是语言诸要素中对社会发展变化最敏感的词汇,它们可以最直接迅速地反映社会各个方面的变化,并被人们广泛地应用于日常交流与各类媒体之中。传媒新词热词范畴广泛,传播速度快,产生方式多种多样,在跨文化交流中的作用同样不容小觑,人们对传媒新词热词英译的审美标准也日益攀高。目前已有许多学者从多种视角对传媒新词热词的英译进行了研究,然而从生态翻译学角度对传媒新词热词英译问题进行探析的研究仍然较少。生态翻译学的理论支点主要为适应与选择。在翻译活动中,译者居于中心地位,发挥主导作用。译者既可以完成“适应”,也可以处理“选择”,即:适应是译者的选择性适应,选择是译者的适应性选择。其中,“选择与适应”原则是指译者对翻译生态环境的适应以及在翻译活动中选择性适应读者或原文,适应的目的是求存和生效,适应的手段是优化选择;此外,译者可以根据生态翻译学里提出的“语言维”、“文化维”以及“交际维”三维转换来选择翻译策略,从而得出更加准确地道的译文,更好地适应生态翻译环境。由此可见,著名的翻译理论家胡庚申教授提出的生态翻译学理论适用于指导传媒新词热词的英译。成立于1981年的中国日报英文版(又称ChinaDaily)是中国最具代表性的英文日报,是国内外高端人士首选的中国英文媒体,是唯一有效进入国际主流社会、国外媒体转载率最高的中国报纸,也是国内承办大型国际会议会刊最多的媒体,它的特殊地位对译文的准确度和可读性都有极高的要求,也奠定了该报刊的权威性。本文以近两年(2016-2017年)China Daily中部分传媒新词热词的英译为例,首先对独具中国特色的传媒新词热词、外来传媒新词热词、传媒新词热词中简称词等三类的译文进行赏析;然后再结合生态翻译学的“选择性适应”原则,提出“适应原文”、“适应读者”和“译者选择”这三大传媒新词热词的英译策略。
[Abstract]:With the change and development of the society, the media is playing an important role day by day, and various new words and hot words appearing in the media have been widely paid attention to and used by people. The hot words of new words are the most sensitive words to the social development and change among the language elements. They can reflect the changes in all aspects of society most directly and rapidly, and are widely used in daily communication and in all kinds of media. The role in cross-cultural communication can not be underestimated, and the aesthetic standard of English translation of hot words in media has been increasingly advanced. At present, many scholars have studied the translation of hot words in media from various perspectives. However, there are few studies on the translation of hot words in the media from the perspective of ecological translation. The theoretical fulcrum of ecological translation is mainly adaptation and choice. In the translation activities, the translator occupies a central position. The translator can either complete "adaptation" or deal with "choice", that is, adaptation is the translator's selective adaptation. Choice is the adaptive choice of the translator. The principle of "choice and adaptation" refers to the translator's adaptation to the translation ecological environment and the adaptation to the reader or the original text in translation activities, the purpose of which is to survive and take effect. In addition, the translator can choose translation strategies according to the "linguistic dimension", "cultural dimension" and "communicative dimension" proposed in ecological translation, so as to obtain a more accurate translation. Better adapt to the environment of ecological translation. The ecological translation theory put forward by Professor Hu Gengshen, a famous translation theorist, is applicable to the English translation of hot words in the media. China Daily (also known as China Daily), founded in 1981, is the most representative English daily newspaper in China. It is the first choice of Chinese English media at home and abroad. It is the only Chinese newspaper that effectively enters the mainstream international society. The Chinese newspaper with the highest reprint rate in foreign media is also the medium hosting the most large international conferences and periodicals in China. Its special status requires high accuracy and readability of the translated text, and it also establishes the authority of the newspaper. This paper takes the English translation of some hot words in the media Daily from 2016-2017 as an example. First of all, we appreciate and analyze three kinds of translations, such as media new words with Chinese characteristics, foreign media new words and short abbreviations in media hot words, and then combine with the "selective adaptation" principle of ecological translation. This paper puts forward three English translation strategies of "adapted to the original text", "adapted to the reader" and "translator's choice".


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7 胡庚申;;生态翻译学解读[J];中国翻译;2008年06期

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