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发布时间:2018-03-04 20:32

  本文选题:翻译报告 切入点:目的论 出处:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译项目报告。翻译项目的原文选自《生态商业:大品牌企业对可持续性发展理念的秉承》一书第一章“大品牌可持续性发展战略”。该书由英属哥伦比亚大学彼得·道维格(Peter Dauvergne)和简·李斯特(Jane Lister)合著。本书介绍了生态商业的崛起和发展,并透过大品牌的可持续性发展探讨了企业对可持续性发展的推动作用,揭示了生态商业的本质。本翻译项目的开展,不仅可以为国内学者对生态商业的研究提供新的方向,而且可以引发国内学者、大品牌企业、环保组织以及消费者等人对生态商业具有经济发展和环境保护双重影响的思考。本报告分为五章:第一章是翻译项目介绍,包括项目的背景、意义。第二章是对原文文本的分析,包括作者简介,主要内容介绍和原作语言特征。第三章是翻译理论和翻译准备。本报告主要以汉斯·弗米尔的目的论和信息焦点理论为理论基础。第四章主要根据所选翻译理论阐述翻译难点,重点分析翻译过程中使用的翻译技巧,尤其是科技文中长难句的翻译。第五章是总结,包括翻译经验和教训以及仍待解决的问题。在此翻译项目中,译者主要根据目的论分析该文本的目的并在翻译过程中遵循目的原则和忠实原则。由于该文本属于科技文体,长难句的翻译成为本翻译报告的难点,所以译者主要采取顺序法、逆序法、分译法和综合法使译文既符合汉语的表达习惯,又能准确无误地将原文的意义传递给目标读者。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation project report. The original text of the translation project is selected from "Ecological Commerce: adhering to the concept of Sustainable Development by Big Brand Enterprises." Chapter 1, "Sustainable Development Strategy of Big Brand". Peter Dauvergne, University of Biya, and Jane Lister. this book introduces the rise and development of ecological commerce. Through the sustainable development of big brands, this paper discusses the role of enterprises in promoting sustainable development and reveals the nature of ecological commerce. The development of this translation project can not only provide a new direction for domestic scholars to study ecological commerce. This report is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction of translation projects. The second chapter is the analysis of the original text, including the author's brief introduction. The third chapter is about translation theory and translation preparation. This report is based on Hans Vermeer's Skopos Theory and Information focus Theory. Chapter 4th mainly deals with translation difficulties according to the selected translation theory. Focus on the translation techniques used in the translation process, especially the translation of long difficult sentences in scientific and technological texts. Chapter 5th is a summary, including translation experiences and lessons, as well as the problems still to be solved. In this translation project, The translator mainly analyzes the purpose of the text according to Skopos theory and follows the Skopos and faithfulness principles in the process of translation. Since the text belongs to a scientific and technological style, the translation of long and difficult sentences becomes a difficult point in this translation report, so the translator mainly adopts a sequential approach. The reverse order method, the sub-translation method and the comprehensive method not only accord with the Chinese expression habits, but also accurately transmit the meaning of the original text to the target readers.


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