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发布时间:2018-03-04 20:46

  本文选题:输入假说 切入点:输出假说 出处:《信阳师范学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:写作,作为一种语言输出,是一项重要的语言技能。英语写作教学在高中英语教学中具有非常重要的作用。《普通高中英语课程标准》(2003)对学生英语写作能力提出了较高的要求,对英语写作教学提出了具体的目标。然而,目前我国高中英语写作教学现状不容乐观,大部分老师只关注学生的写作结果而忽视对学生进行写作知识输入和引导学生进行写作输出。大多数学生只是被动写作,写作兴趣偏低,写作水平远不能让人满意。针对这些问题,不少学者和教师从不同的角度对英语写作教学进行了研究,各种写作教学方法应运而生。在总结前人研究理论和实践的基础上,本研究试图探索如何将输入输出理论用于高中英语写作教学。本文以Krashen的语言输入假说和Swain的输出假说以及文秋芳的输出驱动-输入促成假说为理论基础,对高中英语写作教学方法进行探究。本研究试图采用基于输入输出理论的英语写作教学法,以达到语言输入和输出的有机结合。该教学方法共分三步,首先通过输出驱动激活学生的学习动机,其次通过视听读多渠道为学生提供大量的可理解性语言输入,通过复述背诵范文分析等多种活动使语言知识吸收内化,而后以写作为输出来巩固语言输入效果,从而达到提高学生英语写作能力的目的。为了论证此教学方法的可行性,笔者对滑县第二高级中学高二年级两个平行班的96名学生进行了为期四个月的教学实验。一个实验班,一个控制班。实验班采用基于输入输出理论的英语写作教学方法,控制班则采用传统的英语写作教学方法。笔者运用问卷调查法和成绩测试法进行研究。写作成绩通过SPSS 21.0进行统计分析。依据对问卷调查和测试成绩的分析,本研究认为基于输入输出理论的高中英语写作教学方法是行之有效的,它能够改善教师的教学方法,提高学生的英语写作能力,改变学生的写作态度,激发学生的写作兴趣。
[Abstract]:As a kind of language output, writing is an important language skill. English writing teaching plays a very important role in senior high school English teaching. This paper puts forward specific goals for the teaching of English writing. However, the present situation of English writing teaching in senior high schools in China is not optimistic. Most teachers only pay attention to the students' writing results and neglect to input the students' writing knowledge and guide the students' writing output. Most of the students only write passively and their interest in writing is on the low side. The writing level is far from satisfactory. In view of these problems, many scholars and teachers have studied the teaching of English writing from different angles, and various writing teaching methods have come into being. This study attempts to explore how to apply the input-output theory to the teaching of English writing in senior high schools. The present study is based on Krashen's language input hypothesis, Swain's output hypothesis and Wen Qiufang's output drive-input-contribution hypothesis. This study attempts to adopt an input-output approach to achieve the organic combination of language input and output. The teaching method is divided into three steps. First, it activates students' learning motivation through output driving, secondly, it provides students with a large amount of comprehensible language input through audio-visual reading channels, and internalizes language knowledge by reciting and reciting model text analysis and other activities. In order to prove the feasibility of this teaching method, the author takes writing as the output to consolidate the effect of language input, so as to improve the students' writing ability. The author conducted a four-month teaching experiment on 96 students in two parallel classes of grade two in Huixian No. 2 Senior Middle School. One experimental class and one controlled class. The experimental class adopted the teaching method of English writing based on the input-output theory. The control class adopts the traditional teaching method of English writing. The author uses the questionnaire and the test method to carry on the research. The author carries on the statistical analysis through the SPSS 21. 0. According to the questionnaire survey and the test result analysis, The present study holds that the teaching method of English writing based on input and output theory is effective. It can improve teachers' teaching methods, improve students' English writing ability, change students' writing attitude and stimulate students' interest in writing.


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