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发布时间:2018-03-06 05:21

  本文选题:目的论 切入点:文本类型 出处:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译项目报告,其原文选自Michael Kariwo、Tatiana Gounko和Musembi Nungu联合出版的论文集《高等教育体系对比分析》的第九章。该书通过对7个国家高等教育体系的对比分析和丰富的例子,向读者展示了各个国家不同的高等教育体系,以及各个国家应对高等教育体系出现的问题所采取的相应措施。该书极具价值,对教育工作者和广大读者有极大的借鉴意义。第九章主要介绍俄罗斯的高等教育体系,以及冷战以来,在社会经济危机面前,为复兴俄罗斯科学研究,该国高等教育体系采取的一系列措施。本报告主要包括五个部分:第一部分主要介绍了翻译项目背景、报告结构以及项目意义;第二部对选取原文进行分析;第三部分主要介绍本次翻译实践所遵循的翻译理论(即目的论);第四部分在上述三部分的基础上对翻译难点进行介绍,并一一举例说明在目的论指导下采用的翻译方法;第五部分作为总结,包括翻译实践感悟和有待解决的问题。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation project report, originally selected from 9th chapters of Michael Kariwoan Tatiana Gounko and Musembi Nungu. The book is based on comparative analysis and rich examples of higher education systems in seven countries. It shows readers the different systems of higher education in each country, and the corresponding measures taken by each country to deal with the problems that arise in the system of higher education. It is of great significance to educators and readers. Chapter 9th mainly introduces Russia's higher education system, and in the face of social and economic crisis since the Cold War, in order to revive Russian scientific research, This report mainly includes five parts: the first part mainly introduces the background of the translation project, the structure of the report and the significance of the project, the second part analyzes the original text; The third part mainly introduces the translation theory (Skopos theory) followed in this translation practice, and part 4th introduces the translation difficulties on the basis of the above three parts, and gives examples to illustrate the translation methods adopted under the guidance of Skopos theory. Part 5th as a summary, including translation practice and problems to be solved.


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1 ;Crux of the Volatility of Russia-U.S. Relationship[J];International Understanding;2007年04期

2 ;The Delegation of "Russia:Our Homeland" Movement Visits china[J];International Understanding;1997年02期

3 ;Enhance People to People Contact Between China and Russia for More Exchanges and Cooperation[J];International Understanding;1998年Z1期

4 钱多秀;Russia's Putin Courts Europe[J];大学英语;2000年05期

5 ;Russia Cannot Be Understood By the Mind Alone[J];China's Foreign Trade;2006年16期

6 ;The Relations between Russia and Its Neighboring Countries[J];International Understanding;2008年03期

7 ;The Crux of Russia-US Relations[J];International Understanding;2010年01期

8 ;Xinjiang Children's Art Delegation in Novosibirsk,Russia[J];Voice of Friendship;2006年05期

9 黄一维;;Hamburger[J];时代英语(高一);2007年04期

10 ;Cultural Festival of China Launched in Russia[J];China & the World Cultural Exchange;2010年11期

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1 E.V.Dragunova;;Small and medium enterprises and economic dynamism in Russia[A];Competitive Economy in the Vector of Global Development Collection of Scientific Papers[C];2008年

2 ;The relations between China and Russia in the framework of Shanghai Cooperation Organization:the strategic goals of the countries[A];Competitive Economy in the Vector of Global Development Collection of Scientific Papers[C];2008年

3 Liu Wenge;Liu Tingting;;A Brief Analysis of Russia Economic Structure and Competitive Ability[A];Innovation Economy and Regional Development[C];2007年

4 ;Impeditive factors and suggestions of bilateral trade in China and Russia[A];Competitive Economy in the Vector of Global Development Collection of Scientific Papers[C];2008年

5 T.S.Zubareva;M.I.Lapitskaia;;Realization of Industrial Policy in Russia[A];Innovation Economy and Regional Development[C];2007年

6 O.L.Lyamzin;E.S.Erygina;;Problems of govemmental support in small-scale innovation business in Russia[A];Competitive Economy in the Vector of Global Development Collection of Scientific Papers[C];2008年

7 Z.K.Lihanova;;Results of researches of methodology of development and implementation of strategy of increasing investment attractiveness[A];Competitive Economy in the Vector of Global Development Collection of Scientific Papers[C];2008年

8 G.I.Khanin;D.A.Fomin;N.A.Gakhova;;The twentieth anniversary of economic reforms in Russia:macroeconomic results[A];Competitive Economy in the Vector of Global Development Collection of Scientific Papers[C];2008年

9 Wang Yu;;Analysis of Sino-Russia Oil Cooperation on the Viewpoint of Political Economics[A];Innovation Economy and Regional Development[C];2007年

10 Nureev R.;Kondratov D.;;汽车市场:危机之前与危机之后(英文)[A];北京论坛(2009)文明的和谐与共同繁荣——危机的挑战、反思与和谐发展:“金融危机:挑战与应对”经济分论坛论文或摘要集[C];2009年

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