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发布时间:2018-03-06 16:34

  本文选题:提审口译 切入点:法庭口译 出处:《成都理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中国加入世贸组织的这十六年来,各个领域都取得了突破,成为了世界第二大经济体。贸易额的增加不仅带来了巨大的利益,也导致了很多问题。其中最显著的是走私案件频频发生。在这一背景下,越来越多的口译员参与到提审口译当中。法律口译对权威性和公平性的要求很高,对嫌疑人的提审是办理案件的关键一步。然而,由于一些口译员没有受过专业培训,在这一领域又缺乏经验,法律口译质量不尽如人意。Mark Shuttleworth和Moira Cowie两位学者认为在法庭,还有其他法律场所如:审讯室、移民局、公安局进行的口译活动都可以称之为法庭口译。然而提审口译作为法庭口译的分支,相关研究并不多见。因此,根据实践,本报告试图在这一领域进行探讨。本次口译实践是作者于2015年6月至10月间在成都海关缉私局完成的的提审口译,约13次,每次超过4小时。这是一起珍贵动物制品走私案。一名印度裔美国人具有走私的嫌疑,因他非法携带红珊瑚从台北到成都,因此被扣留在成都双流机场。本报告涵盖了口译活动的各个步骤,从译前准备到译后的评估与反思。通过描述整个口译过程,详细阐述了遇到的困难,并尝试找出背后的原因给出解决办法。走私相关案件的提审是一个高度程序化、逻辑较缜密的过程,对口译有很高要求。本报告重在揭示如何做好提审口译译前准备,如何妥善处置口译过程中可能遇到的困难,确保口译质量。
[Abstract]:In the 16 years since China joined the WTO, China has made breakthroughs in all fields and has become the second largest economy in the world. The increase in trade volume has not only brought enormous benefits. It also causes many problems. Among them, smuggling cases occur frequently. In this context, more and more interpreters participate in arraignment interpretation. Legal interpretation requires high authority and fairness. The arraignment of suspects is a key step in the handling of cases. However, because some interpreters have no professional training and lack of experience in this field, the quality of legal interpretation is unsatisfactory. Mark Shuttleworth and Moira Cowie believe that in court, There are also other legal establishments such as interrogation rooms, immigration authorities, and public security bureaus, all of which can be called court interpreters. However, as a branch of court interpretation, there are few studies on arraignment interpretation. Therefore, according to practice, This report attempts to explore this field. This interpretation practice is an arraignment of interpretation completed by the author in Chengdu Customs Anti-smuggling Bureau between June 2015 and October, about 13 times. More than four hours at a time. This is a smuggling case of precious animal products. An Indian American is suspected of smuggling because he illegally carried red coral from Taipei to Chengdu. This report covers the various steps of interpretation activities, from pre-translation preparation to post-translation assessment and reflection. By describing the entire interpretation process, the difficulties encountered are described in detail. And try to find out the reasons behind it and give the solution. The trial of smuggling related cases is a highly procedural, logical and meticulous process with high requirements for interpretation. This report focuses on how to prepare for the interpretation of arraignment. How to properly deal with the difficulties that may be encountered in the process of interpretation to ensure the quality of interpretation.


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1 徐敏;李锦钰;;口译员焦虑心理及其调适方法研究[J];湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版);2016年10期

2 纪玉华;批评性话语分析:理论与方法[J];厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2001年03期

3 戴永明;印度英语的语音特征[J];解放军外国语学院学报;2000年06期

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1 王勋;提审口译中的译员角色[D];广东外语外贸大学;2015年

2 余帮力;提审口译实践报告[D];广东外语外贸大学;2015年

3 岳圣淞;法律审讯中英汉口译的过程、方法与策略[D];外交学院;2014年

4 薛媛;庭审口译报告[D];广东外语外贸大学;2014年

5 周yN;印度口音英语及其对口译影响的实验研究[D];湖南大学;2013年

6 唐丽莉;口译员对带有口音的发言所产生的负面态度对其听辨理解的影响[D];上海外国语大学;2009年

7 林晶晶;法庭口译员的角色定位[D];上海外国语大学;2009年

8 高平;关联理论视角下的刑事案件法庭口译译前准备[D];广东外语外贸大学;2008年




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