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发布时间:2018-03-07 11:51

  本文选题:概念隐喻 切入点:隐喻意识 出处:《淮北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The College English Curriculum requirements stipulate that non-English majors should use vocabulary skillfully in writing and express vocabulary verbally. However, at this stage, in college English classes, Students learn vocabulary only by finding out the corresponding Chinese meaning of each English word, while ignoring the interrelation between the meanings of each word, students feel dull in memorizing and using words. One of the key points of CET-4 and CET-6 is to examine students' understanding of metaphorical language. At present, college English textbooks contain a large number of metaphorical words, sentences and texts with cultural connotations. Therefore, in practical vocabulary teaching, teachers should help students correctly understand the basis and importance of metaphor, so as to effectively cultivate students' metaphorical awareness and strengthen the internal relationship between words and meanings. This paper begins with vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary learning and learning strategies, and introduces conceptual metaphor into vocabulary teaching. To explore the relationship between the cultivation of metaphorical awareness and the vocabulary learning effect of college students, this study conducted a 17-week teaching experiment, in which the law class was the experimental group. The teaching materials used in the two groups are the same. For the experimental group, the teaching methods are adjusted slightly and metaphorical knowledge is added to the teaching process. The results of immediate post-test and delayed post-test were tested by Excel SPSS and MATLAB statistical software. The experimental results show that: 1) cultivating students' metaphorical awareness in college English teaching can improve students' vocabulary memory. 2) cultivating students' metaphorical awareness in college English teaching can help better. The student understands and grasps the polysemy of the word. Through this experiment, the author hopes to provide some reference for cultivating the metaphorical consciousness of college students, and then help them to improve their English vocabulary learning effect.


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