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发布时间:2018-03-07 16:57

  本文选题:大学英语 切入点:教学模式 出处:《南京邮电大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:大学英语教学模式几经衍变,但依然存在诸多问题。迄今为止,大学英语教学总体上仍是学生的语言学习与专业学习相脱节,教学实践中“两张皮”现象严重。大学英语教学应以社会需求为导向,融语言教学和专业学习为一体,注重语言教学的实用性和工具性,从而实现大学英语终极功能的回归。本文基于对大学英语教学CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning)教学模式的相关理论及内涵回顾,构建了一种基于CLIL的大学英语教学模式,即,用英语教授学科内容,通过“生生互动—师生互动—网络人机互动+师生互动+生生互动”的互动模式实现语言学习和专业知识学习的融合。为了验证该模式的实施效果,本文选取了南邮·纽约理工合作项目(NUPT·NYIT)为主要研究个案。在个案研究开始前,对南京邮电大学本科学生和英语教师进行了大学英语教学现状的校本调查。调查数据显示,师生普遍认为当前大学英语教学现状有待改善。与此同时,本文以该项目2014级“计算机科学与技术专业”为例,从教学模式的五个构件对其CLIL教学运行过程进行详细调研和分析。最后,将该项目通过实施CLIL教学模式所取得的成果与其他学院进行对比,结果发现:(1)CLIL教学模式下的学生科研成果、四六级通过率、研究生升学率远远高于普通学院;(2)CLIL教学模式下的2014级本科生学情调查各子题项答案与普通学院有显著差异;(3)CLIL教学模式取得学生、家长、学校及社会的一致好评。本研究结果证明,CLIL教学模式不仅能有效地融合语言学习和专业学习,也极大地促进了学生综合能力的培养和提高。鉴于国内关于CLIL的大学英语教学实践研究较少,本文的实践个案或许能为当前大学英语教学模式改革实践提供一条新路径。
[Abstract]:The mode of college English teaching has evolved several times, but there are still many problems. Up to now, college English teaching is still a disconnect between students' language learning and professional learning. The phenomenon of "two skins" is serious in teaching practice. College English teaching should be guided by social needs, integrate language teaching and professional study, and pay attention to the practicability and instrumentality of language teaching. Based on the review of the relevant theories and connotations of CLIL(Content and Language Integrated learning, this paper constructs a college English teaching model based on CLIL, that is, teaching subjects in English. The integration of language learning and professional knowledge learning is realized through the interactive mode of "student interaction-teacher-student interaction-network human-computer interaction". In this paper, Nanyou New York University of Science and Technology is selected as the main case study. Before the case study, we conducted a school-based survey of undergraduate students and English teachers in Nanjing University of posts and Telecommunications. Teachers and students generally agree that the current situation of college English teaching needs to be improved. At the same time, this paper takes "computer Science and Technology Specialty" as an example. This paper makes a detailed investigation and analysis on the running process of CLIL teaching from the five components of the teaching mode. Finally, the results obtained by implementing the CLIL teaching model are compared with those of other colleges. The results showed that the pass rate of grade four and six in the teaching model of students' scientific research under the model of "1%" and "1 / 2" was found. The graduation rate of graduate students is much higher than that of undergraduates in 2014. There is a significant difference between the answers of each sub-question and that of ordinary colleges. The students and parents are obtained by the CLIL teaching mode. The results of this study prove that the CLIL teaching model can not only effectively integrate language learning and professional learning, It also greatly promotes the cultivation and improvement of students' comprehensive ability. In view of the lack of research on college English teaching practice of CLIL in China, the practical cases in this paper may provide a new way for the reform of college English teaching mode.


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