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发布时间:2018-03-08 15:25

  本文选题:释意理论 切入点:交替传译 出处:《青岛大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This practice report is an introduction to the implementation process and completion of this interpreting task based on the first episode of the large-scale anti-corruption documentary, "Forever on the Road". Analysis and summary. This interpretation practice is guided by Seles Kovic's Paris interpretive translation theory and Danielle Gill's cognitive load theory, combined with the characteristics of this kind of documentary commentary. In this paper, we adopt the strategies of reducing the cognitive burden, such as the concentration of the main points, contextual reasoning and logic reorganization, analyze the experience and problems in this interpreting practice, and put forward the corresponding solutions. The report is composed of four chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the theoretical basis of this translation, the second chapter introduces the pre-translation preparation, including understanding the subject and content of translation. The third chapter analyzes the representative difficult sentences in documentary film, combines the corresponding interpreting strategies, classifies them and gives a reasonable translation. Chapter 4th summarizes the practice, points out the experience and shortcomings of this Chinese-English interpretation, and preliminarily explores the interpreting strategies used in interpreting documentaries, especially political documentaries, in order to lighten the cognitive burden.


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