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发布时间:2018-03-09 15:12

  本文选题:《中国商务年鉴》 切入点:信息型文本 出处:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the improvement of our country's comprehensive national strength, the world is eager to understand China and China is eager to go to the world. The contents of the China Business Yearbook are comprehensive and systematic, and the data are accurate and reliable. It is understood by people from all walks of life at home and abroad. Research on the historical reference books on business situation in China. Its English translation is of great significance in promoting the exchange of information, understanding the general situation of business development in China, and making relevant decisions. The author selects ten reports from the columns of "China Business Yearbook" (2014), "Local Commerce" and "National (Regional) economy and Trade" as the materials for this translation practice. The contents of the translation are more than 17,000 words. The original text of the yearbook report is strictly formal, emphasizing logic and information transmission, according to Rice's text type. This kind of text should be "informational text", which pays attention to the effective reception of text information by the target language readers. Skopos theory holds that translation is a cross-cultural communication activity with definite purpose, which is in line with the target language orientation of yearbook translation. Therefore, the author chooses Skopos Theory as the theoretical guidance of this translation practice. Under the guidance of Skopos Theory, the author makes a specific analysis of the English translation of the Chinese Business Yearbook (2014) from the lexical and syntactic levels. This paper discusses the corresponding translation methods. In lexical translation, high-frequency words are translated by variances and transliterations; economic terms are translated by adding, transferring and interpreting; words with Chinese characteristics are translated with notes, cotranslation, enhancement, subtraction and interpretation, respectively. The whole translation process is guided by the Skopos principle, the principle of faithfulness as the starting point, the rule of coherence as the foothold, and the overall and macroscopic aspects of the translation process. Finally, the author points out the shortcomings of translation reports and puts forward some relevant suggestions in order to provide a reference for the future translation of yearbooks.


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2 高黎明;meaning,import,significance与sense的辨析[J];大学英语;1999年05期

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2 ;中国2002年进出口总计6208亿美元(英文)[A];中国数控机床展览会论文集[C];2004年

3 ;重要工业品进口配额管理实施细则(英文)[A];中国数控机床展览会论文集[C];2004年

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1 刘晨;《2014年中国商务年鉴》(节选)汉英翻译实践报告[D];西南交通大学;2017年

2 UYANGATUUL Sainkhuu;[D];湖南大学;2013年

3 TAPIWA RUTH NG'OMA;[D];河北大学;2014年

4 Petros Woldu Fessehatsion;[D];河北大学;2014年

5 Elisa Balbo;[D];复旦大学;2012年




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