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发布时间:2018-03-10 00:20

  本文选题:翻译目的论 切入点:《白牙》 出处:《天津科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文以目的理论中的三原则为理论框架,对White Fang的中译文进行分析,旨在论证目的论对青少年文学作品翻译策略选取的影响,进而探讨研究目的论在青少年文学翻译作品中的适用性。目的论作为功能主义翻译理论中的最重要组成部分,是对“忠实”和“等值”传统翻译理论的突破。它强调每个翻译行为都有一个翻译目的而译文的好坏取决于它有没有“充分”地实现了翻译的目的.目的论的主要内容含三个原则:目的原则,连贯原则和忠实原则。这三个原则在译作《白牙》中会如何得以体现,或译者能否于译作中再现儿童文学的性质和形式均与目的论息息相关。本研究主体是基于刘士聪的译作《白牙》,旨在探讨把经典译成精品的的实现过程以及理论对翻译过程的约束。本研究所涉及的原作WhiteFang作为美国著名现实主义作家杰克.伦敦的代表作之一,是经典的青少年文学作品。本文旨在通过翻译目的论来对青少年文学译作特例进行研究。这类文学作品的目标读者具有特殊性,其主题和语言形式也不同于普通大众文学,所以译者在翻译过程中,要正确把握目的,使其译作达到与原作同样的效果。本论文主要由六章构成:开篇介绍了研究背景、研究意义、研究假设以及论文结构。进而在梳理和总结前人关于目的论、原作者和译者相关研究成果的基础上,基于翻译目的论三原则以及相互关系对White Fng的中译本特例进行分析。研究发现:(1)目的论对于青少年文学作品翻译具有适用性,对于刘士聪译作《白牙》具有解释性;(2)在青少年文学译作中,刘士聪的译作具有其独特风格;(3)本论文是对White Fng中译本研究的补充,也为更好地解读WhiteFang及其不同译本提供—个全新的视角。
[Abstract]:Taking the three principles of Skopos Theory as the theoretical framework, this paper analyzes the Chinese translation of White Fang in order to demonstrate the influence of Skopos Theory on the selection of translation strategies for juvenile literature. The purpose of this paper is to explore the applicability of Skopos theory in the translation of juvenile literature. Skopos theory is the most important part of functionalist translation theory. It emphasizes that every translation act has a translation Skopos, and the quality of the translation depends on whether it has fully realized the Skopos of translation. The main content consists of three principles: the objective principle, The principle of coherence and the principle of faithfulness. How will these three principles be embodied in the translation of White teeth, Whether the translator can reproduce the nature and form of children's literature in the translation is closely related to Skopos Theory. The main body of this study is based on Liu Shicong's translation of "White teeth", which aims to explore the realization process and theory of translating classic into fine works. The original work of this study, WhiteFang, is one of the masterpieces of Jack London, a famous American realistic writer. This paper aims to study the special cases of the translation of juvenile literature through Skopos theory. The target readers of this kind of literary works are special, and their themes and language forms are different from those of ordinary popular literature. Therefore, in the process of translation, the translator should correctly grasp the purpose and make the translation achieve the same effect as the original one. This thesis is composed of six chapters: the beginning of the thesis introduces the background and significance of the study. The research hypotheses and the structure of the thesis. Then, on the basis of combing and summing up the previous researches on teleology, the original author and the translator, Based on the three principles of Skopos Theory and their interrelationships, this paper analyzes the special cases of Chinese translation of White Fng. The study finds that the Skopos Theory is applicable to the translation of juvenile literature works. For Liu Shicong's translation of "White teeth" (2) in the translation of juvenile literature, Liu Shicong's translation has its own unique style.) this thesis is a supplement to the study of the Chinese translation of White Fng. It also provides a new perspective for better interpretation of WhiteFang and its different translations.


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