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发布时间:2018-03-10 01:31

  本文选题:作业布置 切入点:作业类型 出处:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着英语教学改革的不断深入发展,专家学者对英语课程与教学的研究如雨后春笋。但是长期以来,作为教学终端末节的英语作业,其科学性常常受到忽视。在教学实践活动中,受到赫尔巴特传统的教学观的影响,教师奉行的是“传统的作业观”,具体表现在以抄写、默写、背诵为主要形式的单一作业类型。然则英语作业作为英语教学活动的有机组成部分,具有教育性,管理性和情感性的功能。本文以最近发展区和建构主义学习理论为支撑,旨在用实证的方式探究传统型作业类型和创造型作业类型对初中学生英语学习成绩的影响及其具体表现在哪些方面。笔者选取了山西省临汾市一所普通中学作为实验试点,在对初二年级的两个平行班级进行前测确定无显著性的差异后,正式选定其为实验班和控制班,运用实验法和访谈法,并使用SPSS 20.0数据分析统计软件,对所收集到的实验数据进行分析后得出结论:首先,思维创设型的创造型作业能够提高学生的学习成绩,尤其在提高听力和写作方面有显著性的作用;其次,实验班的学生单项选择、补全对话、完型填空、阅读理解、短文填空的成绩上有了一定程度的提升;第三,控制班以抄写为主的传统型作业在单项选择这一维度上的成绩上有所提高。最后,笔者得出一定的教育启示如教师可以尝试多布置思维创设的创造型作业。
[Abstract]:With the further development of English teaching reform, the researches on English courses and teaching have sprung up. However, for a long time, English homework, as the end of English teaching, has become the last part of English teaching. Its scientific nature is often ignored. In teaching practice, influenced by Herbart's traditional teaching view, teachers follow a "traditional view of homework", which is embodied in copying and tacitly writing. As an organic part of English teaching activities, English homework has educational, managerial and affective functions. This paper is supported by the proximal development area and constructivist learning theory. The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of traditional homework types and creative homework types on junior high school students' English learning achievement and to find out the specific aspects of them. The author selects an ordinary middle school in Linfen City, Shanxi Province, as a pilot experiment. After the pre-test of two parallel classes in grade two of junior high school was carried out to confirm that there was no significant difference, the two classes were formally selected as experimental class and control class, and the experimental method and interview method were used, and the statistical software SPSS 20.0 was used to analyze the data. After analyzing the collected experimental data, the conclusions are as follows: firstly, creative homework with creative thinking can improve students' academic performance, especially in listening and writing. The students in the experimental class have achieved a certain degree of improvement in their individual selection, filling in dialogue, cloze filling, reading comprehension, and short essay filling in the blanks. Third, In the control class, the performance of the traditional homework based on copying is improved in the dimension of single choice. Finally, the author draws some educational revelations, such as teachers can try to arrange creative homework created by thinking.


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