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发布时间:2018-03-10 10:54

  本文选题:英语专业本科生 切入点:综合英语课堂 出处:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the arrival of the era of knowledge economy, the cultivation of students' independent inquiry and innovation ability has become the core requirement of quality education. The first characteristic of creative talents is to dare to question and ask questions. Students' questioning is a way to find answers to difficult problems that are still unsolved after thinking, which is conducive to the development of students' flexible thinking ability. Therefore, this paper focuses on the investigation and research on the students' inquiry ability and independent problem-solving ability, which focuses on the overall situation and the influencing factors of the middle school students' questioning in the comprehensive English classroom. This study is based on the theory of constructivism and interaction hypothesis, using questionnaires, interviews and classroom observation as the research means. First of all, the questionnaire is based on the questionnaires of Dr. Si Chengyong and Mo Wenqing. The questionnaire is divided into two parts. The first part is to investigate the general situation of students' questioning, which is divided into five dimensions: students' questioning consciousness, attitude, ability, types and ways of questioning; the second part is the investigation of three major factors that affect students' questioning in class. They are textbook factors, student factors and teacher factors. Furthermore, in the interviews, the attitudes of teachers and students to classroom questions and the factors that affect students' questioning are mainly investigated. Finally, in the classroom observation, Observe the general situation of students' questioning and its influencing factors, such as the number, type, teachers' classroom behavior, etc. In a word, the three investigation methods complement each other and confirm each other. How about the overall situation of English majors in the classroom? 2) what are the factors that affect the English majors' questioning in the comprehensive English classroom? The results show that the overall situation of students' questioning is not good in the comprehensive English classroom. Although most of the students are sure of the significance of self-questioning, there is still a weak awareness of questioning, less questioning behavior and insufficient ability to ask questions. The single type of questions, the tendency to understand long difficult sentences, and the willingness to ask questions in the group cooperation mode have a variety of factors affecting the students' questions, which are mainly positively related to the following three factors: the content of the textbook (such as topic, interesting, interesting), and the following three factors: the content of the textbook, such as topic, interest, interest, and so on. Difficulty, living life, student factors (such as study habits, academic achievement, teacher factors such as teaching attitude, teaching methods, teaching feedback). Based on the above results, in order to promote students to ask questions in class, This paper puts forward some suggestions for teachers and students. Teachers: choosing and applying teaching materials scientifically; positively evaluating students; enriching teaching methods and attaching importance to students' cooperative learning; To create a good classroom questioning atmosphere and set up classroom questioning links. For students: to update their learning concepts; to develop good preview habits; to improve their own questioning ability. But due to time constraints and personal ability problems, The representativeness of the results of this study needs to be further improved. It is hoped that the following research can expand the investigation object, prolong the investigation time, and combine various investigation methods to carry out the research, especially the action research.


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