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发布时间:2018-03-11 11:23

  本文选题:配音译制 切入点:动画电影 出处:《上海外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the film industry and the deepening of cross-cultural communication, the quantity and quality of dubbing cartoons have been increasing in the past decade. The vivid Chinese dubbing not only conveys the content and purport of the original film to the greatest extent. The Chinese audience was impressed by the unique personality of the character. Given that the main target audience of the dubbing cartoon is young children, their ability to understand English or other languages is limited. Therefore, the translation of the animation dubbing script and the late dubbing will have a direct impact on the overall quality and effect of the dubbing cartoon, because the animation language is easy to understand, the content is interesting, and the form is rich. For Chinese children who are not proficient in foreign languages, dubbing animations undoubtedly provide them with a sweet choice. In a simple and interesting way, dubbing animation shows all aspects of foreign life to the audience. It has become one of the important ways for children to learn about foreign culture and life, to make them contact and experience cultural differences at home and abroad in entertainment, to understand the values, customs and ways of life of foreign countries. The dubbing translation of animation plays a positive role in cross-cultural communication and communication at home and abroad. At the same time, it has a broad space for development and has a broad mass base, which plays an important role in the film industry. There is still a great disparity in the study of animation dubbing translation at home and abroad. The research on dubbing translation in foreign translation circles has been more mature and the literature is relatively rich. In contrast, the domestic research is relatively limited. Especially for animation, which is a special type of film, it is rarely involved, and there are not enough systematic theories and principles to guide the dubbing system of cartoons. From the definition, main features, restrictive factors, dubbing principles and so on of dubbing and dubbing animation, and based on the theory of adaptation, through comparative analysis and examples, this paper mainly studies the adaptation of dubbing animation language from four aspects. That is, the adaptation of contextual relations, the adaptation of linguistic structure, the dynamic nature of adaptation and the awareness of the process of adaptation, and the in-depth analysis and appreciation of the languages in them, which provide a new way of thinking and a new perspective for the dubbing and translation of cartoons. This paper draws the following conclusions: due to the immediacy and conciseness of animation language, the restriction of dubbing mode and the limited cognitive ability and attention of children, On the one hand, it should be simple and clear, easy to understand, on the other hand, should try to cater to the psychology of children, vivid humor, avoid implied violence, pornography, vulgar vocabulary, At the same time, we should conform to the cultural habits of the target language, conform to the overall thinking mode and ideology of the society, and keep pace with the times, use the expression of the times, and reduce the generation gap in language.


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