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发布时间:2018-03-13 15:31

  本文选题:全息理论 切入点:小学英语教学 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:"holography" refers to the same information between subsystems and subsystems. Holographic theory holds that all systems in the universe are holographic systems. Teaching activity is a special practical activity of human society, it is a complex system composed of many elements, the determination of teaching goal, the choice and organization of teaching content, the design and implementation of teaching activity. The course of primary English is a subject of both instrumentality and humanism in the basic education stage. The basic education curriculum reform at the turn of the century stipulated English as a foreign language subject that must be offered in the third grade of primary school, and the importance of primary school English. The initial nature of primary English classroom teaching has been given more theoretical attention and practical exploration. This study focuses on the primary English classroom as the scope of study, focusing on the perspective of holographic theory to analyze the problems existing in primary school English classroom teaching. In this paper, the author tries to find out the reasons from the main teaching element of primary school English teachers, and puts forward some methods and suggestions for the construction of primary English holographic classroom. This study provides theoretical support and practical guidance for first-line English teachers to better carry out holographic classroom teaching. This study is based on the literature review and generalization of holographic theory and holographic classroom teaching. Go deep into the English classroom of the senior grade of primary school to carry on the classroom observation, carry on the holographic perspective from the teaching goal, the teaching content, the teaching implementation, the teaching evaluation, Focusing on the teachers as the main body of classroom teaching, this paper analyzes the causes and puts forward some suggestions for improvement. It is found that the lack of professional quality of primary school English teachers is an important factor restricting the construction of holographic classroom. In order to improve the professional quality of primary school English teachers and promote the construction of primary English holographic classroom, the following suggestions are put forward: primary school English teachers should establish holographic classroom teaching concept, primary school English teachers should improve their teaching ability; Primary school English teachers should improve their ability of teaching design, seek the support of school system, and carry out holographic teaching and research activities.


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