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发布时间:2018-03-14 21:16

  本文选题:《西游记》 切入点:译介 出处:《南京师范大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:《西游记》作为为数不多的在英美国家乃至世界范围广为知晓的中国古代文学经典,它在英美的译介和变形取决于受众这一接受共同体,其在英美的接受体现了 “接受型”译介和改造成功融入目的语国文学和文化的特点,因为它历经各种译介和变形后已扎根英美文化土壤,成为一个具有中国特质又能吸纳英美本土文化而衍生艺术变体的文化符号。《西游记》英译最早始于1895年,在这百余年的时间,仅英译本就有60多个版本,20世纪下半叶以来,根据《西游记》译介改编并创作的文本和非文本作品更是琳琅满目。可以说,当《西游记》最初以译介形式进入英美世界时,它实际上已经变成经汉学家们变形后的作品,即他们在英语语境下所接受后的多样化产物,并在英美文学体系中具有广泛接受面和生成影响力。本论文首先依据接受美学的观点论证《西游记》“接受型”译介的广泛接受面和母体性存在,阐明“接受型”译介的特征及其在英美社会的接受价值和文化影响。其次,论文探讨了《西游记》在英美的接受状况,包括其文本、非文本形式的变形以及受众接受视野,揭示《西游记》在英美接受的特点和发生机制。论文指出,《西游记》在英美世界的主要流传方式包括文本形式(如译本及其文学改写本)和非文本形式(如影视剧、舞台剧、动漫、音乐、网游等),它们中每个作品的产生都意味着一次微观和宏观层面上的变形,这种服务于接受能力的变形最早产生于翻译领域,接着扩散到所有文本和非文本生产,彻底改变了《西游记》在英美的属性和走向。在英美语境下,不同的接受能力造就了各异的译介和变形形式,塑造了各色受众,包括普通受众和专业受众,他们各自的接受能力总体上呈相辅相成之势并反作用于《西游记》的译介和变形,推进其在英美的流传与嬗变。论文通过分析进一步指出,从接受角度研究《西游记》在英美的译介和变形就意味着其文本和非文本形式具有英美文化属性和影响,是映照英美受众思维方式和精神世界的一面镜子,有利于人们认知不同时代受众的接受能力和接受变迁等,理性审视中国文化和英美文化的差异。本论文最后从最新中文版《西游记》的英译—接受价值和受众接受的特征—作用两方面,对《西游记》在英美的“接受型”发展空间进行阐发,提出“接受型”的“缘合”翻译准则,指出从译介源头上夯实《西游记》发展空间的基础,并结合受众接受的“文化意义通约”、“遍在性”、“生成性”、“过滤性”和“中西合流”等特点构建《西游记》在异域更广阔的接受空间,通过推演和拓宽《西游记》在英美的发展空间,让更多的中国文化符号和文化精神在英美本土化。
[Abstract]:Travel to the West is one of the few ancient Chinese literary classics widely known in the United States and the United States and even the world. Its translation and transformation in the United States and the United States depend on the acceptance community of the audience. Its acceptance in the United States and the United States embodies the characteristics of "receptive" translation and its successful integration into the literature and culture of the target language, because it has taken root in the soil of British and American culture after all kinds of translation and transformation. It has become a cultural symbol that has Chinese characteristics and can absorb native British and American culture and derive artistic variations. The English translation of Journey to the West first began in 1895. In this more than a hundred years, more than 60 versions have been translated in English since the second half of the 20th century, and more than 60 versions have been translated in English since the second half of the 20th century. The texts and non-text works adapted and created according to the translation and introduction of Journey to the West are even more varied. It can be said that when "Journey to the West" first entered the British and American world in the form of translation and introduction, it actually became a work transformed by sinologists. That is, the variety of products they accept in the English context, And it has extensive acceptance and generative influence in the British and American literary system. Firstly, this thesis demonstrates the existence of extensive acceptance surface and motherhood in the translation of "Pilgrimage to the West" according to the viewpoint of reception aesthetics. This paper expounds the characteristics of the translation of "reception type" and its acceptance value and cultural influence in British and American society. Secondly, the paper discusses the reception situation of "Journey to the West" in the United States and the United States, including its text, the transformation of non-text form and the field of view of audience acceptance. The paper points out that the main ways of spreading "Journey to the West" in the Anglo-American world include text form (such as translation and literary rewriting) and non-text form (such as film and television drama, stage play). Animation, music, online games, and so on, each of which means a micro- and macro-level transformation, a transformation of receptivity that first emerged in the field of translation, and then spread to all text and non-text production. In the Anglo-American context, different receptive abilities have created different forms of translation and transformation, and shaped various audiences, including ordinary audiences and professional audiences, in the context of "Journey to the West", which has completely changed the nature and trend of "Journey to the West" in the United States and the United States. Generally speaking, their respective receptive abilities complement each other and react to the translation and transformation of Journey to the West in order to promote its circulation and evolution in the United States and the United States. The study of the translation and transformation of Journey to the West from the perspective of reception means that its textual and non-textual forms have the cultural attributes and influences of the United States and the United States, and are a mirror reflecting the way of thinking and the spiritual world of the British and American audience. It is beneficial for people to recognize the receptive ability and changes of the audience in different times, This paper examines the differences between Chinese culture and Anglo-American culture rationally. Finally, this thesis focuses on the translation of the latest Chinese version of Journey to the West from two aspects: the value of reception and the characteristics of acceptance by the audience. In this paper, the author analyzes the development space of "acceptance" in Britain and the United States, puts forward the translation criterion of "acceptance", and points out that the basis of the space for the development of "Journey to the West" should be consolidated from the source of translation. Combined with the characteristics of "cultural meaning agreement", "all over the world", "generative", "filter" and "the confluence of Chinese and Western" and so on, this paper constructs a wider acceptance space of Journey to the West. By deducing and broadening the space for the development of Journey to the West in Britain and America, more Chinese cultural symbols and cultural spirits can be localized in the United States and the United States.


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