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发布时间:2018-03-14 23:35

  本文选题:《西游记》 切入点:身体隐喻的认知功能 出处:《兰州交通大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As a classical masterpiece on the subject of gods and demons, Journey to the West is rich in its unique ideological connotation and artistic charm. The world of gods and demons in Journey to the West is constructed from the human world and imitates and simulates the human world. Extension and deification. This is the embodiment of the unique artistic charm of Journey to the West, which is obviously related to the proper use of body metaphors. Mapping to unfamiliar, abstract objects (target domains) for the purpose of understanding new things. Therefore, body metaphor is a cognitive tool, Conceptual metaphor theory holds that metaphor is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a thinking phenomenon. Conceptual metaphor theory emphasizes the cognitive function of metaphor, which can provide an ideal analytical framework for this paper. There are many English versions of Journey to the West. However, Jenner's translation is the most popular and influential English translation version in China. With the help of Conceptual metaphor Theory and the combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, this paper makes an analysis of the three apprentices (Sun Wukong, Pig Wen-neng) in the original text. This paper attempts to explore whether Jenner's body metaphor has accurately realized the cognitive function of the body metaphor in the English translation process. The results show that: 1) Jenner is dealing with the translation of body metaphors by his three apprentices. The main translation method is free translation, which does not completely reproduce the cognitive function of the body metaphors of the three apprentices. (2) when dealing with the metaphorical translation of the three apprentices' heart, mouth and face, the cognitive function of the face is the highest in the translation, followed by the mouth. Therefore, based on the same or similar physical experience between English and Chinese, if the translator uses literal translation methods or translation techniques to deal with physical metaphor translation, By extension, it is hoped that this study will be helpful to the translation of body metaphors in other gods and demons' novels.


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