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发布时间:2018-03-17 04:22

  本文选题:功能语言学 切入点:教材分析 出处:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:English teaching plays an important role in English teaching. Teachers on the basis of the content of textbooks and teaching and learning materials, students mainly showed knowledge. Therefore, the content of the material is very important in English teaching. The analysis of English textbooks is conducive to better carry out the teaching of English. The main Chengdu existing five sets of English textbooks respectively. "Primary school English > Beijing Normal University publishing house, and published by the University of Oxford press. This paper analyses < classic English textbooks from the perspective of functional linguistics, the concept should be pay attention to the teaching function, interpersonal function and textual function. Functional grammar Hallidy reveals the systematic and holistic concept of function of language. It refers to the language of the people in the real world (including inner world) expression in a variety of experiences. Interpersonal function refers to language can express the speaker's identity, status, attitude, motivation and his judgment of things, to participate in social activities and the establishment of social relations and other functions. The textual function refers to the integrity of the discourse, consistency and convergence. The current primary school textbooks mostly emphasize the ideational function of language and ignore the interpersonal function and textual function. Based on the above theory, the author chooses two sets of primary school textbooks were compared. Among them, the primary school English Beijing Normal University press < > is the most widely used a teaching in the public schools, has certain research value. In addition, a set of teaching materials and the author selects the new dimensions of English. Foreign language teaching and Research Press published "the textbooks, students pay more attention to English Language training thinking ability and language culture. In this study, the author selected the language knowledge, cultural information and character comparison and analysis of the two sets of textbooks in three aspects. This paper uses the method of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, from the three meta functions of functional linguistics perspective, analysis of the two sets of primary school English textbooks. From the concept of function, interpersonal function and textual function of language and the related practice is reasonable to show the knowledge of language, whether the language creates a proper context and discourse is complete, so as to better transfer to students and teachers behind the language. The results of this study have certain help for textbooks, textbook writers through the comparative analysis of different materials, in the compilation of teaching materials on the teaching of all aspects of different, so as to better meet the teaching Meanwhile, the research results in this paper can also help teachers in teaching. Teachers can reasonably choose textbooks and integrate teaching materials according to students' circumstances, and are more targeted in teaching.



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