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发布时间:2018-03-17 05:34

  本文选题:预防医疗问诊 切入点:对话口译 出处:《西南科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This project report comes from the author's practice of "preventive medical inquiry and interpretation" done by Teng Pai Health Industry Group. Foreign doctors will be involved in the work. Therefore, the interpreter is required to accurately convey the information about the health of the client that the doctor wants to know during the consultation between the foreign party and the Chinese doctor, so as to accurately translate the client's description of his health condition. This paper is composed of six chapters. The first chapter is mainly about the introduction of preventive medical consultation. It includes background information, interpretation requirements and the author's plan for the project. Preparation of terminology and prediction of possible difficulties. Chapter 3 deals with the detailed analysis of each process of interpretation and the problems encountered in interpretation. Chapter 4th deals with the communication techniques and coping techniques adopted under the guidance of the interpretation theory. Chapter 5th is the evaluation of this project. The final chapter is a summary of the future importance of preventive medical interpretation and the quality required by such interpreters through an analysis of ten interviews. It is found that there are problems of grammar, omission, mistranslation, hesitation and reinterpretation in the process of interpreting. The contents of interpretation involve traditional Chinese medicine therapy, professional medical treatment and medical examination terms. Foreign doctors have some challenges, such as accents. In the face of the mistakes and challenges in interpreting, the author finds that the use of interpretation techniques, the implementation of interpretation theory and the use of fuzzy processing techniques can solve the above problems and challenges. Finally, some coping strategies, such as eye contact, gestures and asking for details, are used to help the interpretation task proceed smoothly. Some practical suggestions and suggestions are provided for the future development of preventive medical interpretation.


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