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发布时间:2018-03-17 10:28

  本文选题:英语听力教学 切入点:词块教学 出处:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, listening teaching has attracted more and more attention in senior high school English teaching. Krashenn (1981) has pointed out that listening is a key factor in promoting language learning. There should be a period of time to train listening... If the students' ability to understand can be fully improved, the ability to express will naturally follow. We know that, Listening is an important and comprehensible input channel and language acquisition is realized through listening. Therefore, in foreign language teaching, we should pay attention to listening teaching and improve the effect of listening teaching. A growing number of researchers. Lewis 1993) believe that lexical chunks are the focus of English learning. Wang Zongyan 2000 believes that the key to foreign language learning is to master as many common words as possible. Common sentence patterns, common collocations and idioms, etc. It is undeniable that listening ability depends to a large extent on the learners' vocabulary. In this study, there are two natural classes in a high school, one of which is the experimental class. Another 139 students from the control board were investigated by means of tests, questionnaires, interviews, etc. This paper attempts to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of lexical chunks theory in high school English listening teaching. The purpose of this paper is to answer the following question: 1) can lexical chunks teaching improve students' English listening performance? If so, which level of students makes the most progress? 2) in the listening teaching, can the lexical chunks training enhance the students' lexical chunks consciousness? Through qualitative and quantitative analysis of the collected data, the results show that: 1) through lexical chunks teaching, the students in the experimental class have made significant progress in listening comprehension, and the listening scores of the students at all three levels have also been improved to varying degrees. The middle level students' listening scores are improved most obviously. 2) listening lexical chunks training can enhance students' lexical chunks awareness and stimulate students' enthusiasm for lexical chunks learning, which shows that lexical chunks teaching plays a positive role in listening teaching.


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