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发布时间:2018-03-18 19:16

  本文选题:情感态度目标 切入点:初中英语教学 出处:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:根据《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011年版)规定,义务教育阶段的英语课程除了教授学生语言知识和训练语言技能之外,还必须引导学生养成积极的情感态度和树立正确的价值观。然而,反观目前的初中英语教学发现重知轻情的现象仍然普遍存在。这种过分强调知识学习而忽略情感培养的教学既不利于提高英语学习的效果,也不利于学生的全面发展。针对这一问题,本文主要围绕以下两个方面展开论述:第一,如何发挥情感态度在英语学习过程中的促进作用;第二,如何在英语教学中培养学生积极的情感态度,促进学生全面发展。本研究通过问卷法和访谈法了解初中英语教学中情感态度目标实施现状及实施过程中存在的问题,总结影响情感态度目标落实的因素,并在此基础上探讨如何在初中英语教学中落实情感态度目标。本论文的写作分为五个部分:绪论部分:首先介绍了本论文的选题缘由;其次阐述了本研究的理论意义和实践意义;再次对国内外关于情感态度目标已取得的研究成果进行文献梳理和分析;最后,介绍本文所采用的研究方法。第一部分:首先对此次新课程改革提出的情感态度与价值观目标的内涵进行分析并界定相关概念;然后分析初中英语情感态度目标的内涵及所体现的基本理念。第二部分:以人教版初中英语教材Go for it为依据,分析情感态度目标在该套教材中的表征,包括在教材编写原则和编写理念中的总体表征和在教材任务设置、内容选材和插图安排中的具体表征。第三部分介绍初中英语情感态度目标的实施现状。主要通过问卷法和个案访谈法对初中英语情感态度目标的实施状况进行调查。然后,在分析调查结果的基础上总结该目标在实施过程中存在的问题。第四部分:分析初中英语情感态度目标在实际教学中难以落实的原因,包括教师方面、学校方面、家长方面以及制度方面的原因。第五部分:结合本文前面提到的关于初中英语情感态度目标在实施过程中存在的问题及原因,本部分从教师方面探讨如何在初中英语教学中落实情感态度目标。
[Abstract]:According to the English Curriculum Standards for compulsory Education (2011 edition), in addition to teaching students language knowledge and training language skills, Students must also be guided to develop positive emotional attitudes and establish correct values. However, In contrast, the current English teaching in junior high school finds that the phenomenon of emphasizing knowledge and neglecting emotion is still widespread. This kind of teaching, which emphasizes knowledge learning while neglecting emotion cultivation, is not conducive to improving the effect of English learning. This paper focuses on the following two aspects: first, how to play the role of affective attitude in the process of English learning; second, How to cultivate students' positive affective attitude and promote students' overall development in English teaching. This study aims to understand the current situation and problems in the implementation of affective attitude goals in junior high school English teaching by means of questionnaires and interviews. This paper summarizes the factors that affect the implementation of affective attitude goals, and on this basis discusses how to implement affective attitude goals in junior high school English teaching. The writing of this thesis is divided into five parts: introduction: first of all, it introduces the reason of this thesis; Secondly, this paper expounds the theoretical and practical significance of this study; reviews and analyzes the research results on emotional attitude goals at home and abroad; finally, This paper introduces the research methods adopted in this paper. The first part: firstly, it analyzes the intension of the emotional attitude and the goal of values put forward by the new curriculum reform and defines the relevant concepts; Then it analyzes the connotation and basic idea of emotional attitude goal in junior middle school English. The second part: based on go for it, the author analyzes the representation of emotional attitude goal in this set of textbooks. Including the overall representation in the principles and concepts of textbook preparation and the setting of the task of the textbook, The third part introduces the status quo of the implementation of the emotional attitude goal in junior high school English. It mainly investigates the implementation status of the emotional attitude goal in junior middle school English by questionnaire and case interview. Based on the analysis of the results of the investigation, this paper summarizes the problems existing in the implementation of this goal. Part 4th: analyzes the reasons why the goal of emotional attitude in junior high school is difficult to implement in practical teaching, including teachers and schools. Part 5th: combined with the problems and reasons in the implementation of emotional attitude goals in junior middle school English mentioned in this paper. This part discusses how to implement the emotional attitude goal in junior middle school English teaching from teachers' point of view.


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