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发布时间:2018-03-18 19:16

  本文选题:概念隐喻 切入点:批评隐喻分析 出处:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The traditional metaphorical view holds that metaphor is a rhetorical device to beautify language. However, with the development of cognitive metaphor, In 1980, Lakoff and Johnson put forward the theory of conceptual metaphor in their book metaphor for our existence. According to them, metaphor is not just a language. It is also a way of thinking. It exists not only in language, but also in thought and action. Therefore, metaphor is an important cognitive tool and method for understanding the world and constructing conceptual systems. Charteris-Black further proposes a new theoretical framework for metaphor. The purpose of critical metaphor is to reveal the potential ideology, emotion and attitude of the speaker through the comprehensive application of critical discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics and pragmatics. And further explore the relationship between thinking, language and society. After reading the relevant literature, it is found that in the study of critical metaphorical analysis at present, the corpus is mainly focused on political, economic and other special discourse. Rarely in other fields. Queen's speech is an important way to spread the queen's thoughts to the people. The Christmas speech is the most representative and traditional one. It covers many aspects of British and Commonwealth politics and culture. Therefore, this paper chooses the Queen of England's Christmas speech as the corpus, based on the metaphor theory. The purpose of this analysis is to explore the characteristics of metaphor use in speeches, the motivation of choosing relevant metaphors and the social effects of metaphor through the combination of diachronic and synchronic approaches. The use of the Queen's Conceptual metaphors in speeches is mainly reflected in the synchronic aspects of journey metaphors, family metaphors, friend metaphors, and light and dark metaphors, which are frequently used in each period. In diachronic terms, metaphors about the Queen's own status change from time to time. The application of specific metaphors is based on the historical, religious and political circumstances of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth, and so on. The Queen's main idea is to maintain the stability and smooth development of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. In addition, through the use of conceptual metaphors, the Queen hopes to inspire the people to work together to overcome the difficulties. The purpose of building the British Commonwealth into a strong and stable family is embodied in the functions of communication, persuasion, encouragement and bridge. It reflects the applicability of critical metaphorical analysis and explores the relationship among thinking, language and society from a linguistic point of view.


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