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发布时间:2018-03-19 23:20

  本文选题:评价理论 切入点:英语政治新闻语篇 出处:《中北大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As an important branch of linguistics, discourse analysis has taken on a dynamic and increasing trend in recent years, while Halliday's systemic functional linguistics provides a good theoretical basis for discourse analysis. It is considered by systemic functional linguistics that discourse contains three metafunctions, namely conceptual function. Interpersonal function and textual function. Evaluation theory is a new lexical grammatical framework based on the interpersonal metafunctive level in systemic functional linguistics. It mainly examines the cooperative attitudes, including attitudes, in discourse. The theory of evaluation extends the study of interpersonal system from sentence level to discourse level, from grammatical level to semantic level, which makes up for the limitations of functional linguistics. It has become a new favorite in the field of discourse analysis. The application of evaluation theory in discourse analysis mainly involves news discourses, literary discourses, and academic book reviews. Among them, the analysis of political news discourse mainly involves the intervention and differential resources in evaluation theory, but the analysis of attitude resources is relatively less. The analysis of attitude resources is often found in disastrous news discourses. The author believes that one possible reason for this phenomenon is that political news reports require objectivity and not too many subjective opinions or attitudes. However, no news can be absolutely objective. In view of this phenomenon, the author thinks that the analysis of attitude resources in political news discourse has certain research value. We can find out the political position of the relevant media or government by analyzing the attitude resources, and excavate the potential ideology of the discourse. A deeper understanding of political reporting. This paper randomly selects two of the four well-known newspapers (the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian and the China Daily) to discuss the same event (Abe intends to visit Pearl Harbor). (news data from different reports, Through detailed analysis and statistics of the attitude resources, we find that the appreciation resources in the "New York Times" and the "Washington Post" are the most, 2.18 and 2.63, respectively, and most of them are positive appraisals, followed by judgment resources. They were 1.85 and 2.11, mostly positive social constraint evaluations; the least emotional resources were 0.33 and 0.52 respectively. In the Guardian and the China Daily, the resources for judgment were 1.93 and 1.63, respectively, and were mainly in the category of social constraints; appreciation came second. 1.52 and 1.23 respectively, of which the appreciation resources of the China Daily are the least, 1.23.The emotional resources in all reports are the least of the three types of attitude resources. It is not difficult to find out from the results. The two major categories of newspapers in the United States have shown a positive attitude of praise for Abe's behavior, and in their reports, appreciation is more than judgment. The Guardian and China Daily have a more neutral attitude on the issue. The least proportion of emotional resources show the objectivity of political news discourses. The analysis of attitude resources in political discourse can help people understand the political position of an institution or a country. Identify whether they are objective and impartial in dealing with specific events.


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