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发布时间:2018-03-20 21:18

  本文选题:开放存取 切入点:大型期刊 出处:《贵州师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译项目报告。翻译项目的原文为理查德·韦伦(Richard Wellen)的《开放存取、大型期刊和慕课:关于学术分类的政治经济学》(Open Access,Megajournals,and MOOCs:On the Political Economy of Academic Unbundling)。开放存取和大型开放式网络课程的概念虽然引入国内已久,但在国内的发展仍不成熟。在高校之外,大众对其的普遍认知度并不是很高,对开放存取资源的使用率也不高。通过翻译该文本,笔者希望能促进人们对开放存取期刊和开放式网络课堂的综合了解。本翻译报告是在此翻译实践的基础上,根据相关的翻译理论,对整个翻译过程进行分析。首先,报告简述了本次翻译项目的背景和意义,并介绍了作为翻译指导的理论框架和译前准备。然后,报告详细描述了翻译过程,并进行大量的案例分析。最后,在本次翻译实践及报告的基础上,笔者总结了经验和教训。
[Abstract]:This is a translation project report. The original translation project is "Open access" by Richard Wellen. "political Economics on academic Classification." the concepts of open access and MOOCs:On the Political Economy of Academic unbundled ling.The concepts of open access and large-scale open web courses, though introduced for a long time, are still immature in China. The general public is not very well aware of it, nor is there a high rate of utilization of open access resources. The author hopes to promote a comprehensive understanding of open access journals and open network classrooms. This translation report is based on this translation practice and analyzes the whole translation process according to relevant translation theories. The report briefly describes the background and significance of this translation project, and introduces the theoretical framework and pre-translation preparation as translation guidance. Then, the report describes the translation process in detail and carries out a large number of case studies. On the basis of the translation practice and the report, the author summarizes the experience and lessons.


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