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发布时间:2018-03-22 06:14

  本文选题:高中英语 切入点:报刊阅读 出处:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the further integration of humanism and instrumentality in language teaching, English teaching has reached a new stage of exploration and reform in senior middle school. In English teaching in senior high school, reading teaching is the core part. It is most helpful to enhance students' interest and interest in English learning, and can also stimulate students' endowment and core accomplishment. The reading materials in English newspapers and periodicals have many unique advantages, such as timeliness, interest, knowledge, and so on. English newspaper reading is an effective way to improve students' reading ability. Compared with the textbooks, English newspapers and periodicals have new contents, large capacity and diverse genres. Interesting, close to life and other characteristics, as reading material, easy to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning. In addition, its rich material resources, help broaden the students' learning channels, English newspaper reading teaching can change the traditional English teaching pay too much attention to the explanation and teaching of grammar and vocabulary knowledge, build a bridge between the classroom and the real world, so that students can experience and practice. Learning English through participation, cooperation and communication can help students develop self-study ability, improve reading skills, enlarge vocabulary capacity and improve English teaching performance. Combined with the classroom teaching practice, this paper puts forward the strategies and problems to be paid attention to in the teaching of English newspaper reading in senior high school, and makes an investigation and analysis on the practical effect of the teaching practice of English newspaper reading in senior high school.


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