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发布时间:2018-03-22 07:15

  本文选题:显性补偿 切入点:隐性补偿 出处:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:翻译实际上是对信息的跨语言移植,如何在翻译实践中处理好不同语言中的文化信息,是广大译者普遍面临的难题。各种语言之间本身就存在着差异,译者在处理文化信息时,翻译损失在所难免,因此需要采取各种补偿手段。根据补偿的位置,马红军提出了较为宏观的补偿类型见解:显性补偿(explicit compensation)与隐性补偿(implicate compensation)。本次翻译项目选自托马斯·莫尔的Utopia(《乌托邦》)上部,译文共计一万五千字左右。原文中的西方文化内涵十分丰富,笔者在翻译过程中处理文化损失时,运用了马红军的显性补偿和隐性补偿策略。前者主要包括脚注和文内注释,后者则包括增译、归化、文本内释义等手段。本文通过翻译实例的具体分析,探讨如何运用不同的补偿手段,使目的语读者拥有和源语读者同样的阅读感受。
[Abstract]:In fact, translation is a cross-language transplantation of information. How to deal with cultural information in different languages in translation practice is a common problem for translators. Loss is inevitable, so we need to take all kinds of compensation methods. According to the position of compensation, The Red Army of Ma proposed a more macroscopic view of compensation types: explicit compensation and implicit compensation. This translation project is selected from the upper part of Utopia (Utopia) by Thomas Moore. The translation contains about 15000 words. The western cultural connotation in the original text is very rich. In the process of dealing with the cultural loss, the author applies the explicit compensation strategy and the implicit compensation strategy of the Ma Red Army. The former mainly includes footnotes and notes in the text. Through the concrete analysis of translation examples, this paper discusses how to use different compensation methods to make the target language readers have the same reading feelings as the source language readers.


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