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发布时间:2018-03-22 19:05

  本文选题:《农药:健康、安全与环境》 切入点:翻译实践报告 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本报告是基于格雷厄姆·马修斯(Graham Matthews)所著的《农药:健康、安全与环境》(Pesticides:Health,Safety and the Environment)一书第一章的翻译实践报告。翻译部分第一章为《农药和农业发展》(Pesticides and Agricultural Development),对于人们了解农药基本知识、正确科学使用农药以及警惕农药造成的环境问题等具有重要意义。本翻译实践报告主要包括四个部分。第一部分为翻译任务描述,主要介绍了《农药:健康、安全与环境》一书及其第一章,对指导人们科学使用农药有积极意义。第二部分介绍了翻译过程,主要包括学习农药及生态保护等相关知识、审校修改译文等内容。第三部分为翻译案例分析,是本翻译报告的重点。笔者结合具体翻译实例,从词汇、句法、语篇三个层面,对节选翻译中涉及的名词、形容词、定语从句、被动句、长难句、省略等重点、难点问题及其翻译进行了分析,内容涉及词性转换、译词成句、化被动为主动、拆分、重组等多种翻译方法。第四部分为译后总结,通过本次翻译实践,笔者认识到生硬翻译、背景知识缺乏等给翻译工作带来的诸多困难,认识到灵活翻译、掌握广博知识、查找权威词典书目以及重视译文字句斟酌和修改等的重要性。
[Abstract]:This report is based on Graham Matthews' Pesticide: health, Pesticides: health Safety and the Environment. Chapter 1 of the translation section, "pesticides and Agricultural Development", "Pesticides and Agricultural Development", is a basic knowledge of pesticides. It is of great significance to use pesticides scientifically and to be alert to the environmental problems caused by pesticides. This translation practice report mainly includes four parts. The first part is the translation task description, which mainly introduces "Pesticide: health," "Safety and Environment" and its first chapter, which has positive significance in guiding people to use pesticides scientifically. The second part introduces the translation process, mainly including learning about pesticides and ecological protection, etc. The third part is the case analysis of translation, which is the focus of this translation report. The author combines the specific translation examples from the lexical, syntactic and textual levels to analyze the nouns and adjectives involved in the excerpt translation. Attributive clauses, passive sentences, long difficult sentences, ellipsis and other key points, difficult problems and their translation are analyzed. The content involves the conversion of parts of speech, the formation of words into sentences, the translation of passive into active, split, recombination and other translation methods. Through this translation practice, the author realizes the difficulties brought about by hard translation, lack of background knowledge, flexible translation and extensive knowledge. The importance of searching for authoritative dictionaries and of focusing on the selection and revision of translated words and phrases.




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