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发布时间:2018-03-23 19:44

  本文选题:高中英语 切入点:切块拼接阅读教学模式 出处:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:英语阅读,作为语言输入的重要途径之一,是学习者获取信息的重要方式。英语阅读教学应注重激发和培养学生的阅读兴趣和动机。而传统的英语阅读教学模式过多的注重对学生词汇、语法的灌输,课堂略显枯燥乏味,由此使得很多高中学生对英语阅读缺乏一定的兴趣和动机而被迫学习。“切块拼接教学”作为一种合作教学技能,在当今教学界已得到一些实践并取得了一定的教学成果,本研究拟通过“切块拼接教学”提高学生的阅读动机。本文共有三个研究问题:1、高中学生英语阅读动机现状如何?2、切块拼接阅读教学实践前后,学生阅读动机有无显著变化?3、学生对切块拼接教学中的那些特点更为赞赏?这些特点与阅读动机有什么关系?为了回答三个问题,成都某中学的高二某班50名学生参与了此次研究,笔者采用了问卷调查,访谈和文献分析三种种方式来收集数据,然后通过软件SPSS来对数据进行整理,通过分析整理出来的数据得出相应的结论。研究结果表明高中学生的阅读动机相对较弱,尤其是其内部阅读动机。切块拼接阅读教学对学生的阅读动机有着积极的影响,尤其是在内部阅读动机方面,实验后,学生表现出了更强的内部动机。通过访谈,发现学生对切块拼接教学中轻松的学习环境,课堂的趣味性,同伴的影响,相互的帮助、交流以及被切割的阅读材料的趣味性更为赞赏。根据Day and Bamford的激发阅读动动机的变量,得出这些特点对学生的阅读动机有一定的影响。最后,笔者就高中英语阅读教学和切块拼接阅读教学法的实施提出了几点建议:英语老师首先应更多注重激发学生的阅读兴趣和动机,然后以学生的个体差异为基础,多鼓励学生,让学生体验到学习的成就感。其次对于切块拼接阅读教学法的实施,教师应注重:(1)课前充分准备:(2)合理划分小组;(3)实施过程中注重指导和监测;(4)建立合理的评价评估机制。
[Abstract]:English reading, as one of the important way of language input, is an important way for learners to acquire information. Teaching should focus on stimulating and cultivating students' reading interest and motivation in English reading. But the traditional teaching mode of English reading and pay more attention to students' vocabulary, grammar classroom indoctrination, slightly boring, so many high school students on English reading a certain lack of interest and motivation and forced to learn. "Jigsaw teaching" as a kind of cooperative teaching skills, certain teaching achievements and achieved in today's teaching profession has got some practice, this study proposed by "jigsaw" teaching to improve students' reading motivation. This paper consists of three research questions. 1, high school students' English reading motivation situation? 2, before and after the teaching practice of jigsaw reading, students' reading motivation has no significant change? 3, students on the teaching of jigsaw Those characters are more appreciated? What is the relationship between these characteristics and reading motivation? In order to answer the three question, a Chengdu high school sophomore, a class of 50 students participated in the study, the author uses questionnaire, interview and literature analysis of three ways to collect data, then the data was analyzed by SPSS software through the analysis, sorting out the data and draw the corresponding conclusion. The research results show that high school students' reading motivation is relatively weak, especially the internal motivation of reading. Reading motivation has a positive influence on students' jigsaw reading teaching, especially in reading motivation, after the experiment, the students showed a stronger internal motivation through interviews, found that students on the learning environment in the teaching of jigsaw easy, classroom interesting, peer influence, mutual help, communicate and cut reading materials. The interest is more appreciated. According to the Day and Bamford to stimulate the reading behavior motivation variables have certain influence the characteristics of students' reading motivation. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions on the implementation of senior high school English reading teaching and the jigsaw reading teaching method: English teachers should pay more attention to stimulate students' interest in reading and then on the basis of motivation, individual differences of students, encourage students, allow students to experience the learning achievement. Secondly, for the implementation of the teaching method of jigsaw reading, teachers should pay attention to: (1) preparation before class: (2) dividing group; (3) pay attention to guiding and monitoring the implementation process; (4) establish a reasonable evaluation mechanism.



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