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发布时间:2018-03-24 03:00

  本文选题:艾德里安娜·里奇 切入点:《犹太人的日与夜》 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Due to the refinement of professional demand in the market, English translation majors have paid more attention to practical text translation. However, the social demands on students majoring in translation have become increasingly high, which highlights the importance of literary translation practice. Due to the market demand and difficulty, translation students have been less and less exposed to literary translation. This paper is a project report on prose translation in English translation. The translation project selected is Adrianna Ritchie, a famous contemporary American writer, "the Art of the Human Eye-Society" and "on Lies". Two essays in Secrets and Silence, "the Day and Night of the Jews" and "Jane Eyre: the temptation of a Motherless woman." the report begins with information about the original text and a description of the translation tasks. The author chooses more representative sentences to analyze the problems in the process of translation. Under the guidance of the functionalist Skopos theory, the author chooses the corresponding translation methods. After the completion of the whole report, The author has obtained the following translation enlightenment: English-to-Chinese of prose requires very high level of Chinese, should attach importance to the study of mother tongue, reading translation materials and supplementary background knowledge plays an important role in helping to reduce the deviation in understanding; In the process of translation, we should not only pay attention to the application of translation theory, but also be good at making use of network resources to assist translation and present the best translation, and communicate with other translators and learn from each other.


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