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发布时间:2018-03-24 10:24

  本文选题:汉英对比 切入点:线性空间 出处:《北方工业大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:把任何书籍的汉英两个版本进行外观比较,我们都会发现汉语的版本要比英语的薄。联合国所有官方文件的六种语言的不同版本比较起来,汉语的版本总是最薄的。这是一个值得研究的语言现象。目前国内外对此研究很少,可供参考的文献也不多。目前本人所查到的与此有关的文献只有林汝昌和李曼钰曾对信息等值的英汉文字材料所占篇幅进行了比较,实验证明汉字具有高度的可识别性,其所占空间比英文小,信息储存量大。但是该研究并没有进一步解释英汉空间差异的因。目前还没有查到任何有关汉英文字所占线性空间的对比研究的文献。从外在的直觉来判断,一般会认为英语在书写时,词与词之间要留有间隔,因此,英语必定要比汉语占有更大的线性空间。这种认识只是直觉判断,并没有从语言研究或者语言类型研究的角度说明这种语言差别的本质原因。本论文试图从定量研究入手测量出汉英在对比的情况下,文字书写时各自所占的线性空间以及它们的比例。再从理论语言学的角度进一步找出汉英文字书写时所占线性空间差别的原因。本研究的假设是:汉英两种语言所占线性空间的差别有两种原因。其一是由于两种语言文字不同,英语属于拼音文字,汉语属于表意文字;其二是两种语言类型不同,英语属于屈折型语言,汉语属于孤立型语言。本研究分两步。首先是定量研究,从词汇、短语、句子、篇章四个层面对汉英两种语言文字所占线性空间进行对比。然后以对比语言学理论为依据,对两种语言的差别进行解释性研究。定量研究选取了 2016年2927个高考必备词汇,673个短语、100条英语谚语,100个不同类型的句子,40篇不同体裁的篇章进行对比。所选字号汉语为五号宋体,英语为5号Times New Roman;所选页面显示比例为100%,单倍行距。本研究采用测量法用直尺对以上4个层面的材料进行汉英文字所占线性空间的测量和对比。结果是:在词汇层面,至少有56%的英语词汇所占线性空间大于汉语;在短语层面,有77%的英语词汇所占线性空间大于汉语;在句子和篇章层面,英语所占线性空间都要长于汉语的。在句子的对比中,每一对汉英文字所占的线性空间的平均比率是1:2.26,在篇章中,每一对篇章所占的比率是1:2.37,同时我们测得每两个英语词之间的空格占全部线性空间的14.43%。量化研究的结果是:由于文字类型不同和书写方式的不同,导致英语在词汇、短语、句子和篇章等方面所占线性空间都大于汉语。研究的第二步是用对比语言学理论对这两种语言的差别进行分析。本文从语言类型的角度从以下三个方面对这两种语言进行对比:1.汉语是意合型语言,英语属于形合型语言;2.汉语的柔性,英语的刚性;3.汉语重话题突出,与英语重主语突出。理论研究的结果是:1.意合型语言注重从客观认知上表达和释义,而形合型语言不仅从客观认知上表达和阐释意义,还注重语言表达上的逻辑性,因此导致在表达同一意义时,英语比汉语要用更多的词汇。2.英语属于刚性语言,也就是说英语英语句子具有严谨的主谓结构,主次分明,层次清晰。英语句子除了具有5种基本句型及扩展句型以外,句子的各成分或词语之间必须保持在时态、人称、性、数及意义方面的一致性,即保持语法一致、意义一致及就近原则。汉语属于柔性语言,句法结构类型多变,表达方式也非常灵活。这导致在表达同一意义时,英语比汉语要用更多的词汇的第二个原因。3.汉语这种话题突出型语言,在表达意义时强调话题,不在意句子的结构,但是英语在绝大多数情况下,一个句子必须要有主语,如果句子本身没有明确的主语,英语就要找替代词。这是导致在表达同一意义时,英语比汉语要用较多词汇的第三个原因。本研究所得到的结论验证了假设是正确的。本研究具有理论与实际意义:本研究扩展了汉英对比研究的内容和范围,启发更多的学术研究关注汉语的特殊现象,并进行深入的研究;对于语言教学与学习和翻译都有一定的指导意义。本研究的不足:由于个人能力和时间有限,测量数据时会有一些误差;理论及例证有待进一步补充。后续研究可以继续从语言学角度探究和补充汉英文字线性空间差异的诸多原因。比如,若以万字语篇为样本,借助语料库,进行多维度的穷尽对比,所得出的结论会更准确,更有说服力。
[Abstract]:Any of the books in Chinese and English versions of the two visual comparison, we will find that the Chinese version of English than thin. Compared with different versions of the six languages all the official documents of the United Nations, the Chinese version is always the most thin. This is a study of the language phenomenon. This research at home and abroad rarely, reference is not much. At present I find the related literature only Lin Ruchang and Li Manyu on English and Chinese writing material information equivalent space were compared. The experiment proved that Chinese characters has a high degree of recognition, the space occupied by the ratio of English small and large information capacity. But the study did not further explain the differences of English and Chinese spatial. There is no any English text comparison of linear space for literature. Judging from the external intuition, generally think in English When writing, between the word and the word to leave the interval, therefore, English must occupy more than linear space. Just know Chinese intuition this, did not specify the nature of the reasons for this difference in language from the language research or language research perspective. This paper attempts to start from quantitative research in contrast to the measurement of Chinese English under the condition of linear space when writing the respective reasons and their proportion. The linear space occupied further to find out the difference between Chinese and English writing from the perspective of linguistics theory. The hypothesis of this study is: two languages for linear space difference for two reasons. One is the two the different languages, English is alphabetic writing, Chinese ideographic characters; the second is two different types of languages, English is inflectional language, Chinese is an isolated language. This study is divided into two steps. The first is the quantitative research, from the vocabulary, phrase, sentence, text four aspects of Chinese English two languages for linear space are compared. Then based on contrastive linguistics theory, two kinds of language differences and explanatory research. Quantitative research from 2016 2927 college entrance examination necessary vocabulary, 673 phrases, 100 English proverbs, 100 different types of sentences, 40 different types of text are compared. The font size selected for five Chinese English Arial, No. 5 Times New Roman; the selected page shows the ratio of 100%, single spacing. This research adopts the measurement ruler of the above 4 aspects of the materials in Chinese and English text for measuring and comparing the linear space. The result is: at the lexical level, at least 56% of the English vocabulary for linear space is greater than Chinese; in the phrasal level, there are 77% English vocabulary for Chinese sentences in greater than linear space; And chapter level, English for linear spaces should be longer than Chinese. In the sentence in comparison, the average ratio of linear space each in Chinese and English text for the 1:2.26, in the text, the text of each accounted for the ratio is 1:2.37, at the same time, we measured the quantitative study of English words every two 14.43%. the spaces between the total linear space is the result: due to different types of text and writing in different ways, resulting in the English vocabulary, phrases, sentences and discourse aspects of linear space are greater than Chinese. The second step is analyzed by contrastive linguistics theory of the two language differences in this paper. From the angle of language types from the following three aspects of the two languages comparison: 1. Chinese is parataxis language, English is hypotaxis; 2. Chinese English flexible and rigid; 3. Chinese and English subject prominent topic, process . the results of theory research are: 1. parataxis language to express from the objective cognition and interpretation, and hypotaxis not only from the objective cognitive expression and interpretation of meaning, also pay attention to the logic of language expression, resulting in the expression of the same meaning, English vocabulary to use English more to.2. rigid language than Chinese or English speaking English sentence has a subject predicate structure, rigorous clear, clear hierarchy. In addition to English sentences with 5 basic sentence patterns and extended outside, must remain in the tense, person, between the various components of sentences or words, consistency number and significance, maintain consistent grammar the significance and the principle of proximity, consistent. Chinese belongs to flexible language, syntax and changeable, expression is also very flexible. This resulted in the expression of the same meaning, second reasons why.3 should use English more than Chinese vocabulary Chinese. This topic prominent language, in the expression of meaning emphasizes the topic, do not care about the structure of a sentence in English, but in most cases, a sentence must have a subject, if the sentence itself is not clear, to find alternative English words. This is resulted in the same meaning as English. Than the Chinese to use third reasons more vocabulary. Conclusions of this study are to verify the hypothesis is correct. It has theoretical and practical significance of this study: This study extends the content and scope of contrastive study, inspire more academic research the special phenomenon of Chinese note, and have in-depth study; some guiding significance for language teaching and learning and translation. The shortcomings of this study: due to personal ability and limited time, the measurement data will have some error theory and examples; further follow-up studies following the supplement. This paper further explores and supplements many reasons for the linear spatial difference between Chinese and English from the perspective of linguistics. For example, if we use thousands of character texts as samples, we can make more detailed and convincing comparisons with corpus.



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