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发布时间:2018-03-24 21:34

  本文选题:隐喻 切入点:牡丹 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:隐喻研究由来已久。传统上,隐喻一直被当作一种修辞手法,而随着莱考夫和约翰逊的《我们赖以生存的隐喻》问世,人们逐渐认识到隐喻的认知功能。认知语言学认为,隐喻不仅是一种语言现象,更是一种认知手段。隐喻是人类为了理解事物和认知周围世界而进行概念化的认知工具,是一个概念域到另一个概念域的映射,其本质在于用一种事物来理解另外一种事物。Lakoff和Johnson认为,概念隐喻是始源域的概念系统到目标域的概念系统的映射(Lakoff 1990),即"以约定俗成的方式将内在结构相对清晰的始源域映射到结构欠清晰的目标域之上",是人们以一熟悉概念去认识,理解,表现另一陌生概念的过程。隐喻与诗歌密切相关,可以说诗歌是隐喻的重要载体。中国和英语国家都堪称是诗歌的国度。花卉意象是中英诗人常用的创作手段。而牡丹和玫瑰分别是中英诗歌中最为重要的意象之一,其在诗歌中具有一定的代表性。但在国内,对英汉诗歌中花意象隐喻的对比研究鲜有涉及。本文以《唐诗三百首》,《宋词三百首》和《英诗集锦300首》为研究语料,以唐宋诗词中的牡丹和英语诗词中的玫瑰为研究对象,在概念隐喻理论的关照下,分析英汉诗歌中玫瑰与牡丹意象的隐喻映射机制,发掘英汉诗歌中玫瑰与牡丹的重要隐喻内涵,探讨其所隐含的隐喻特征的共性和差异性。研究发现,牡丹和玫瑰的隐喻以其作为源域,人或其他事物作为目的域。牡丹和玫瑰的外表、特性、生长环境等映射到人或其他事物上,形成了牡丹和玫瑰意象隐喻的映射机制。此外,牡丹和玫瑰意象的隐喻有许多相同的隐喻表达,比如牡丹和玫瑰隐喻美女;牡丹和玫瑰隐喻美德;牡丹和玫瑰隐喻人生和青春;牡丹与玫瑰隐喻忧伤;牡丹和玫瑰隐喻人体器官等。这反映出人类认知的共同特性即隐喻植根于人类的身体体验。但由于文化的因素和认知的差异,也有很多不同的隐喻表达,如在汉语诗歌中牡丹隐喻富贵祥和,隐喻故国之思和哀国之痛等,而在英语诗歌中玫瑰隐喻对自然和生命的渴望;隐喻爱情;隐喻进取、成功和激情等。本研究的发现证实了隐喻既有普遍性又有差异性,从诗歌隐喻的角度支持了现代隐喻理论。一方面有助于我们更好地欣赏诗歌中的意象,从认知的角度对英汉诗歌语篇做出一种新的解读和鉴赏。另一方面,有益于英汉语言学习者更好地理解有关牡丹和玫瑰意象词语的语义扩展,深化隐喻的研究。
[Abstract]:Metaphor has been studied for a long time. Traditionally, metaphor has been used as a rhetorical device. With the advent of Lakoff and Johnson's metaphor for our existence, people have come to realize the cognitive function of metaphor. Metaphor is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a cognitive means. Metaphor is a cognitive tool that human beings conceptualize in order to understand things and recognize the surrounding world. It is a mapping from one concept domain to another. The essence of this is to understand one thing with another. Lakoff and Johnson think, Conceptual metaphor is the mapping from the conceptual system of the origin domain to the conceptual system of the target domain, that is, "mapping the origin domain with relatively clear internal structure to the target domain with unclear structure in a conventional way". Familiar with concepts to understand, The process of understanding and expressing another strange concept. Metaphor is closely related to poetry. It can be said that poetry is an important carrier of metaphor. Both China and English-speaking countries can be regarded as the countries of poetry. Flower imagery is a common creative method of Chinese and English poets. Peony and rose are respectively one of the most important images in Chinese and English poetry. However, in China, the contrastive study on metaphor of flower imagery in English and Chinese poetry is seldom involved. This paper takes 300 Tang Poetry, 300 Song ci and 300 English Poems as the corpus. Taking the peony in the poetry of Tang and Song dynasties and the rose in the English poetry as the research object, this paper analyzes the metaphorical mapping mechanism of the images of rose and peony in English and Chinese poetry under the care of conceptual metaphor theory. This paper explores the important metaphorical connotations of rose and peony in English and Chinese poetry, and probes into the similarities and differences of their implied metaphorical characteristics. The appearance, characteristics and growing environment of peonies and roses are mapped to people or other things, forming the mapping mechanism of metaphorical images of peonies and roses. The metaphor of peony and rose image has many common metaphorical expressions, such as peony and rose metaphor beauty; peony and rose metaphor virtue; peony and rose metaphor life and youth; peony and rose metaphor sadness; Peony and rose metaphor human organs and so on. This reflects the common characteristics of human cognition, that is, metaphor is rooted in human body experience, but due to cultural factors and cognitive differences, there are many different metaphorical expressions. For example, in Chinese poetry, peony metaphor for prosperity and prosperity, metaphor for the thought of the homeland and the pain of mourning, while in English poetry rose metaphor for the desire for nature and life; metaphor for love; metaphor for progress, The findings of this study confirm that metaphor is universal and different, which supports modern metaphor theory from the perspective of poetic metaphor. On the one hand, it helps us to appreciate the imagery in poetry better. On the other hand, it is helpful for English and Chinese language learners to better understand the semantic expansion of peony and rose images and to deepen the study of metaphor.


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