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发布时间:2018-03-25 01:28

  本文选题:《家的滋味2010年度获奖菜谱》 切入点:专业术语 出处:《湖南大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Taste of Home 2010 Award-winning cookbook has been collected from Home Taste magazine, which is the largest food magazine in the United States by sales. This report is based on the translation of the Western cookbook "the taste of home" in 2010. Chapter 5, "main Foods," is a report written by the author. There are eleven chapters in the book "Home's Taste 2010 Award-winning menu". This paper mainly introduces the practice of different kinds of food, such as breakfast, staple food, soup, salad and cake. Brand loaded words and sentences are analyzed. In particular, literal translation is used to translate professional terms, and added words are used to translate the fixed collocation of dish names and free translation methods. Brand loaded words are mainly translated by transliteration. The report shows that text sentences are short, and they belong to informational and appeal texts. For the translation of informational and appeal texts, the translator should not only combine the characteristics of the text. The flexible translation method should pay attention to the accurate expression of the target language and give consideration to the original taste of the source language.


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