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发布时间:2018-03-25 16:34

  本文选题:国家创建 切入点:身份 出处:《新疆师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:"State creation, identity and Civic Education: a Cross-Cultural Perspective." published by Springer Press, is a book co-authored by Joseph Zoydo, Hogg Dawn, and Jennifer Lawrence Saha. The book is a book of humanities and social sciences. Through the translation of this book, we can understand that the three main aspects of education and social influence, national identity, national creation, and civic education are ideology. Democracy and human rights. This book is entirely conducive to a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between nation-States and national identities. This book is both rigorous and academic, It is very likely that it will have a profound and extensive impact on the future educational policy and overall reform. The author's translation practice report mainly includes five parts: the first part is the translation mission description. This paper mainly introduces the background knowledge of the translation task and the theoretical and practical significance of the translation task. The second part is the task process, which mainly introduces how the author prepares the translation practice. The third part is the framework of translation theory, which mainly introduces the translation theory used by the author in the process of translation practice. Under the guidance of translation theory, the author uses various corresponding translation methods to solve the problems encountered in translation practice. The fourth part is a case study of translation practice, mainly enumerating the translation cases encountered by the author in translation practice. The fifth part is a summary of translation practice, which briefly introduces the author's experience and experience in the process of translation. The author mainly uses the strategies of communicative translation and semantic translation to translate humanistic and social science texts, and at the same time adopts the corresponding translation methods for different cases, which will be of great help to the author in translating similar texts in the future.


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