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发布时间:2018-03-26 01:09

  本文选题:词汇深度知识 切入点:非英语专业学生 出处:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着大学英语教学的深入改革,教师更加注重培养学生的交际能力。词汇知识作为交际的基础,在学生的整体语言能力中占据着不可替代的作用。然而,在二语习得研究中,对于词汇的研究直到20世纪80年代才开始受到重视,并且研究的焦点主要集中在词汇广度上。90年代后期,国外学者逐渐意识到词汇的学习不应只局限在词汇广度上,他们提出了“词汇深度知识”这一概念。词汇深度知识的研究是从词汇的量的研究转移到对词汇质的研究。目前,对词汇深度知识和语言能力的研究主要集中在阅读和听力方面,对写作的探讨还寥寥无几,词汇深度知识在写作中所起的作用被相对忽视。对词汇深度的研究主要是共时研究,历时研究相对缺乏。同时,学习者在写作上投入更多的时间,但是收效甚微。因此,为了全面探讨词汇深度知识对英语写作水平的作用,迫切需要进行关于词汇深度知识对英语写作水平影响的实证研究。鉴于此,本研究欲对非英语专业学生的词汇深度知识对英语写作水平的影响进行研究,以了解学生的词汇深度知识和英语写作现状,探究词汇深度知识在不同写作水平上是否存在差异,词汇深度知识和英语写作水平的相关性以及对写作水平的预测程度,最后,通过教学实验研究词汇深度知识教学是否可以提高学生的英语写作水平。本研究选取山东青年政治学院70名非英语专业二年级的学生为研究对象,通过测试、访谈,进行了为期4个月的词汇深度知识教学实验。研究以《词汇联想测试》以及全国英语等级考试3级的写作测试为定量研究工具,对被试在实验前和实验后词汇深度知识和写作水平的变化进行测量,并运用SPSS 17.0对收集的数据进行处理和分析。以访谈为定性研究工具,了解被试对词汇深度知识的观点。本研究主要有如下发现:首先,非英语专业的学生词汇深度知识现状和写作能力处于中等偏上水平,其中词汇深度知识的搭配比词义的掌握程度稍好。其次,不同写作水平的学生在词汇深度水平方面存在显著差异。此外,学生的词汇深度知识与英语写作水平之间存在显著的正相关关系,并且,词汇深度知识对于英语写作水平具有显著预测作用。最后,实验证明,词汇深度知识教学可以提高学生的英语写作水平。基于研究结果,笔者提出了词汇深度知识教学和学习的相关建议,同时指出了本研究的不足,提出未来研究有待改进之处。
[Abstract]:With the deepening reform of college English teaching, teachers pay more attention to the cultivation of students' communicative competence. As the basis of communication, vocabulary knowledge plays an irreplaceable role in students' overall language competence. However, in the research of second language acquisition, vocabulary knowledge plays an irreplaceable role in the study of second language acquisition. The study of vocabulary was not paid much attention until the 1980s, and the focus of the study was mainly on vocabulary breadth. In the late 1990s, foreign scholars gradually realized that vocabulary learning should not be confined to vocabulary breadth. They put forward the concept of "depth of vocabulary knowledge." the study of depth knowledge of vocabulary has shifted from the quantitative study of vocabulary to the study of lexical quality. The study of depth of vocabulary and language competence is mainly focused on reading and listening, but the discussion of writing is still very few. The role of depth of vocabulary in writing is relatively neglected, and the study of depth of vocabulary is mainly synchronic. Diachronic studies are relatively scarce. Meanwhile, learners devote more time to writing, but have little effect. Therefore, in order to explore the effect of depth of vocabulary knowledge on English writing proficiency, There is an urgent need for an empirical study on the effect of depth of vocabulary knowledge on English writing proficiency. In view of this, this study is intended to study the influence of depth of vocabulary knowledge on English writing proficiency of non-English majors. In order to understand the students' depth of vocabulary knowledge and the present situation of English writing, this paper explores whether there are differences in the depth of vocabulary knowledge in different writing levels, the correlation between the depth of vocabulary knowledge and the level of English writing, and the degree of prediction of the level of writing. In this study, 70 non-English major sophomores in Shandong Youth Institute of political Science were selected to study whether the teaching of deep vocabulary knowledge could improve the students' English writing ability. The experiment of deep vocabulary knowledge teaching for four months was carried out. The study used the Test of Vocabulary Association and the writing test of CET-3 as the quantitative research tool. The changes of vocabulary depth knowledge and writing level were measured before and after the experiment, and the collected data were processed and analyzed by SPSS 17.0. Interviews were used as a qualitative research tool. The main findings of this study are as follows: firstly, the present situation of vocabulary depth knowledge and writing ability of non-English majors are at the middle level. Among them, the collocation of depth knowledge of vocabulary is better than that of word meaning. Secondly, there are significant differences in the level of depth of vocabulary among students of different writing levels. There is a significant positive correlation between the depth of vocabulary knowledge and the level of English writing, and the depth of vocabulary knowledge has a significant predictive effect on the level of English writing. The teaching of deep vocabulary knowledge can improve the students' English writing ability. Based on the results of the study, the author puts forward some suggestions on the teaching and learning of deep vocabulary knowledge, points out the shortcomings of this study, and points out that the future research should be improved.


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