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发布时间:2018-03-26 07:36

  本文选题:英语学习动机 切入点:动机类型 出处:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:动机是影响第二语言学习的关键性因素之一,对二语学习的整个过程乃至结果都有至关重要的影响。目前二语习得的研究已经转向社会动态阶段(戴运财,2015),在这一阶段,对二语习得动机的研究企图打破线性模式,并强调二语习得过程中的复杂性,动态系统理论的引入为研究者提供了重要的的理论基础。鉴于动机在英语学习中的重要性,高职学生自身的特殊性,国家对于他们职业性、应用性、技术性人才的要求,高职英语专业学生相对较少,以及鲜有从动态从系统论视角来对高职非英语专业学生的英语学习动机进行研究,本文从动态系统理论的角度,探讨高职院校非英语专业学生英语学习动机的特点,并为高职英语教师提供切实可行的建议来激发学生的英语学习动机。此研究利用调查问卷和访谈来获取资料,研究对象是来自济南职业学院和山东城市建设学院的非英语专业的学生,获得的数据通过SPSS 19.0和EXCEL进行统计分析。研究发现高职非英语专业学生的英语学习动机的特点与动态系统论的特点具有一致性。首先,根据调查问卷的数据分析,学生的英语学习动机在整个三年的大学时光中是复杂的、动态的、非线性的,而在短时间内又是相对稳定的。其动态性和复杂性主要表现在以下几个方面:第一,个人发展和成绩是学生最重要的英语学习动机,相反,出国是学生最不重视的学习动机:第二,由问卷数据的单因素方差分析可知,不同年级的学生对个人发展和信息媒介这两种动机的重视程度存在较大差异。其次,访谈揭示出学生的英语学习动机具有初始状态敏感性的特点,而且学生的不同英语学习动机之间是相互连接的。针对以上问题,作者提出了以下教学建议供高职教师参考,来激发非英语专业学生的英语学习动机。第一,高职英语教师应该通过创造良好的英语学习环境、坚持师资力量的建设、把学生的长期动机和近期动机相结合的措施来帮助学生维持、保护其英语学习动机;第二,高职英语教师应通过改革教学方法激发学习兴趣、采取多层次评价方式时学生获得成就感、强调感情教育的方式来激发学生的初始学习动机;第三,高职英语教师应通过指导学生结合外部动机和内部动机、将浅层动机转化为深层动机来加强不同学习动机类型的相互联系和相互连接。
[Abstract]:Motivation is one of the key factors affecting second language learning, which has a vital influence on the whole process and even the result of second language learning. At present, the study of second language acquisition has turned to the social dynamic stage (Dai Yuncai 2015). The study of second language acquisition motivation attempts to break the linear model and emphasize the complexity of the second language acquisition process. The introduction of dynamic systems theory provides an important theoretical basis for researchers, given the importance of motivation in English learning. The particularity of higher vocational students and the requirements of the state for their professional, applied and technical talents are relatively few for English majors in higher vocational colleges. There are few researches on the motivation of non-English majors in higher vocational colleges from the perspective of system theory. This paper discusses the characteristics of non-English majors' English learning motivation in higher vocational colleges from the perspective of dynamic system theory. It also provides practical suggestions for higher vocational English teachers to stimulate students' English learning motivation. The subjects are non-English majors from Jinan Vocational College and Shandong City Construction University. The obtained data are statistically analyzed by SPSS 19.0 and EXCEL. It is found that the characteristics of English learning motivation of non-English major students in higher vocational colleges are consistent with the characteristics of dynamic system theory. Students' motivation for English learning is complex, dynamic, nonlinear and relatively stable in a short period of time during the whole three years of college. Its dynamic and complexity are mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, Personal development and achievement are the most important motivation for students to learn English. On the contrary, going abroad is the least important motivation. Students in different grades pay more attention to personal development and information media. Secondly, the interview reveals that students' English learning motivation has the characteristics of initial state sensitivity. In view of the above problems, the author puts forward the following teaching suggestions for the reference of higher vocational teachers in order to stimulate the English learning motivation of non-English major students. First, Higher vocational English teachers should help students maintain and protect their English learning motivation by creating a good English learning environment, insisting on the construction of teachers' strength and combining students' long-term motivation with short-term motivation. Higher vocational English teachers should stimulate their learning interest through the reform of teaching methods, acquire a sense of achievement when adopting multi-level evaluation methods, and emphasize the way of emotional education to stimulate students' initial learning motivation. Higher vocational English teachers should guide students to combine external motivation with internal motivation and transform shallow motivation into deep motivation to strengthen the mutual connection and connection of different learning motivation types.


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