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发布时间:2018-03-27 22:16

  本文选题:英汉思维差异 切入点:功能对等 出处:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This is a translation project report. The original text of this report is from Chapter 3 of Kelly McGonagall's the virtues of stress. The author of this report is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University. Also an expert in the field of psycho-physical relations. This is a book on how we deal with stress, which is divided into two parts: the first part tells us that we should change our view of stress; This report is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, which briefly introduces the main contents of this book. The author's background information and the structure of the entire report. Chapter two gives a brief introduction to the selected text. The text is a social science article, and the original author's book is designed to help people get rid of stress. Therefore, in translation, the translator takes the reader of the translation as the starting point. Chapter three introduces the translation theory, namely functional equivalence theory, which guides the translation of the text. The core of the theory is readership. In accordance with the translator's analysis of the original text in chapter 2, the fourth chapter specifically analyzes the difficulties encountered in the process of translation and the specific solutions. The difficulties include translation caused by differences in language use due to differences in cultural thinking. Difficulties and the translation of some complex sentences. Chapter V is a summary of this translation report. They include learning and feeling in translation and making reports, some ways to improve their translation level, the importance they attach to their mother tongue, and their reflection on translation.


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2 陈道明;;翻译中的“部分功能对等”与“功能相似”[A];福建省首届外事翻译研讨会论文集[C];2007年

3 杨大,




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