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发布时间:2018-03-28 01:22

  本文选题:伊拉克战争调查报告 切入点:功能对等 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译项目报告。翻译项目原文取自伊拉克战争调查委员会主席约翰·齐尔科特爵士于2016年7月6号公布的伊拉克战争调查报告。该报告共有260万字,历时七年,全文分为一个总结篇以及十二章分论篇,主要调查英国在2003年伊拉克战争中所扮演的角色以及从中汲取的教训。此次翻译项目报告节选的是该调查报告的总结篇第三章,选取部分主要介绍"后冲突"时期英国的战况、军事计划以及英美关系等等。本次翻译的难点在于原文中含有大量的专有名词,要求译者熟练掌握有关伊拉克战争的背景知识。另外,原文被动语态使用频繁,句式上长句居多,对译者的逻辑思维和语言功底都是一大挑战。结合原文语言特点,译者选择尤金· A·奈达的"功能对等"作为理论指导,并结合多种翻译策略如增译法、意译法、词性转换法等等,分析与解决了翻译中的重点与难点。此项目意在通过准确的翻译,使中文读者全面深刻地了解伊拉克战争的来龙去脉,增长历史见识;同时也揭露了战争的残酷性,倡导"和平与发展"的时代主题,引起广大人民对和平的珍视。通过此次翻译项目报告的撰写,译者深刻认识到要想成为一名优秀的翻译人员,需要具备良好的态度、扎实的双语能力以及广泛的知识层面。译者在翻译过程中收获了丰富的经验与教训,希望在未来的翻译道路上有更大的进步。
[Abstract]:This is a translation project report originally taken from the Iraq War investigation report, published on July 6, 2016 by Sir John Zilcott, Chairman of the Iraq War Inquiry Commission. The report, in 2.6 million words, lasted seven years. The full text is divided into a summary and twelve chapters, which mainly investigate the role played by Britain in the Iraq war in 2003 and the lessons learned from it. The selected part mainly introduces the British war situation, military plans and Anglo-American relations in the post-conflict period. The difficulty of this translation lies in the fact that the original text contains a large number of proper nouns. The translator is required to master the background knowledge of the Iraq War. In addition, the frequent use of the passive voice of the original text and the large number of long sentences in the sentence structure pose a great challenge to the translator's logical thinking and language background. The translator chooses Eugene A. Nida's "functional equivalence" as the theoretical guidance, and combines a variety of translation strategies such as incremental translation, free translation, part of speech conversion and so on. The purpose of this project is to provide Chinese readers with a comprehensive and profound understanding of the history of the Iraq War and to increase their historical insight through accurate translation. At the same time, it also exposes the cruelty of the war. By advocating the theme of "Peace and Development", the broad masses of people cherish peace. Through the writing of this translation project report, the translator is deeply aware of the need for a good attitude in order to become an excellent translator. The translator has gained rich experience and lessons in the process of translation and hopes to make greater progress in the future translation path.


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