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发布时间:2018-03-29 07:04

  本文选题:词汇迁移 切入点:词汇负迁移 出处:《延安大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Vocabulary is the cornerstone of language construction and vocabulary learning is the key to language learning. It is difficult for learners to get rid of the influence of their mother tongue in the process of learning English vocabulary. English and Chinese belong to different language families and there are differences in many aspects. When learners do not really master English vocabulary, The phenomenon of negative transfer of vocabulary often comes from the expression of native language thinking. Therefore, to improve the quality of English teaching and help students develop good English thinking habits, It is very important to avoid the negative transfer of mother tongue in the process of vocabulary learning. For a long time, the English ability of non-English majors is generally weak, because of the negative transfer of vocabulary. The quality of foreign language education in colleges and universities has been seriously affected. On the basis of comprehensive analysis and reference of the existing research results, 121 non-English major sophomores in Yan'an University and Yulin College were investigated. Through the use of thematic tests, composition and interviews, from the word form, part of speech, word meaning, The present situation of negative transfer of English vocabulary among non-English major students in North Shaanxi colleges and universities is examined from four aspects, such as collocation of words. Through the analysis of the mistakes made by students, this paper tries to find out the cognitive mechanism of negative transfer of vocabulary. At the same time, it puts forward targeted learning strategies in order to help students overcome the negative effects of vocabulary transfer. The main conclusion of this study is: (1) Non-English majors' prominent negative transfer errors are the same in meaning. The negative transfer of vocabulary is due to the superficial semantic processing of learners and the lack of lexical semantic network. The second language structure and category are gradually established on the basis of mother tongue structure and category. In the process of analogy between mother tongue and second language, there are obvious differences between mother tongue and second language. In order to overcome the influence of negative transfer of mother tongue and improve students' vocabulary acquisition ability, the effective learning strategy should be to construct lexical semantic network and lexical chunks teaching mode in foreign language teaching. Construct the contextual schema and cultural background schema of L2 vocabulary.


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