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发布时间:2018-04-04 13:29

  本文选题:翻译策略 切入点:忠实原则 出处:《辽宁大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是以短篇小说《逃》为源文本的翻译实践报告。《逃》发表于2016年6月的《纽约客》,作者为美国著名作家T·C ·博伊尔。小说英语原文长度约为7100字,汉语译文长度约为100800字。译者以忠实原则为此翻译实践的最终原则,以标记理论为主要工具,致力再现原文风格,实现最高层级的忠实。对于翻译策略的选择,本报告首先在理论层面厘清对忠实原则的理解,继而了标记理论作为忠实再现原文的工具。译者认为,在文学翻译中,忠实这一标准不可抛弃。但翻译中的忠实绝非逐字逐句的生硬翻译,而要有多方面的考量。译文的忠实,具有不同的层级。首先是意义层面,原文和译文要表示同样的概念。第二个层面是交际效果层面,比如词汇的情感色彩,句法的信息焦点,都需要尽量靠近原文。第三是文学效果层面,也就风格上的忠实,即译文要尽量保留原作的语言风格以及整体基调。三个层级的忠实是层层递进的关系,风格上的忠实是最高层级的忠实,是文学翻译中不可或缺的标准。在翻译实践中,译者致力于在三个层面都达到忠实;本实践报告中,则侧重阐述如何实现风格忠实这一最高层级的忠实。在翻译实践中,标记理论是实现风格忠实的有力工具。标记理论视语言的非常见用法为标记,这与风格的概念高度重合,二者同为对语言常见用法的偏离。对文本中标记的识别与恰当翻译意味着风格的再现。因此,标记理论成为再现作品风格的有力工具。在案例分析部分,译者重点讨论如何以标记理论为工具,实现风格上的忠实。
[Abstract]:This paper is a practical translation report based on the short story "escape". It was published in the New Yorker in June 2016 by T. C. Boyle, a famous American writer.The original length of the novel is about 7100 words and the length of the Chinese translation is about 100800 words.The translator regards the principle of faithfulness as the ultimate principle of translation practice and the mark-up theory as the main tool to reproduce the original style and achieve the highest level of faithfulness.With regard to the choice of translation strategies, the present report first clarifies the understanding of the principle of faithfulness at the theoretical level, and then uses the Markedness Theory as a tool for faithful reproduction of the original text.The translator believes that the criterion of faithfulness cannot be abandoned in literary translation.However, faithfulness in translation is not a blunt translation word for word, but a variety of considerations.There are different levels of faithfulness in the translation.First of all, the meaning level, the original text and the translation to express the same concept.The second level is the communicative effect level, such as the affective color of vocabulary and the information focus of syntax, all of which need to be as close as possible to the original text.Third, the literary effect level, also on the style faithful, that is, the translation should try to retain the original language style and the overall tone.Faithfulness in three levels is a progressive relationship, and faithfulness in style is the highest level of faithfulness, which is an indispensable standard in literary translation.In translation practice, translators are committed to achieving faithfulness at all three levels. In this practice report, emphasis is placed on how to achieve the highest level of faithfulness in style.In translation practice, mark-up theory is a powerful tool to achieve style faithfulness.The marked theory regards the very common usage of language as the mark, which is highly consistent with the concept of style, and both are deviations from the common usage of language.The recognition and proper translation of the marks in the text means the reproduction of the style.Therefore, the marking theory has become a powerful tool to reproduce the style of the work.In the case analysis section, the translator focuses on how to use mark-up theory as a tool to achieve stylistic faithfulness.


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