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发布时间:2018-04-04 17:16

  本文选题:软体机器人 切入点:仿生法 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:"Software Robot: techniques and Systems for extending Robot capability". The original text is mainly based on the research of robot capability, and reviews the principle and model of software robot research in the world.The substantial advances in technology, techniques, and prototyping, and the major scientific and technological challenges associated with software robots are prospected.The main body of this practice report is divided into four parts.The first part is the translation task description, mainly introduces the material source, the work brief introduction and the material selection significance, the second part is the translation process description, this part includes the author's pre-translation preparation work, the difficulty encountered in the translation process, as well as the reading, the retouching.The third part is the case analysis of translation, which is the main content of this report, mainly starting with the problems that should be paid attention to in the translation of English scientific and technological texts, starting with the technical vocabulary, verb morphology,Sentence structure and discourse level are combined with specific text cases for translation analysis. The fourth part is a summary of translation practice, which describes the author's experience in the process of translation.This translation practice report is intended to describe the process of translation practice in detail and to summarize and reflect on the whole translation task in order to provide a reference for the translation activities of this industry.


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