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发布时间:2018-04-06 02:19

  本文选题:操纵理论 切入点:阿丽思漫游奇境记 出处:《上海外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:以安德烈·勒菲弗尔为代表的操纵学派认为翻译研究不应该局限于语言学层面,而应注意翻译过程与其所处的社会文化环境的内在联系,研究赞助人、意识形态与诗学对翻译的影响。《阿丽思漫游奇境记》(Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)是儿童文学宝库中享誉世界的经典之作,有许多中文译本。赵元任先生是首位将这部作品译介给中国读者的翻译家,他以诙谐幽默的风格向中国读者再现了原作中充满趣味、奇妙玄幻的世界,也成功译出了原文中独具特色的文字游戏,是最经典的中文译本之一。2002年,中央编译出版社为纪念原作者路易斯·卡罗尔诞辰170周年,邀请翻译家王永年先生重译此书。赵元任译本与王永年译本创作于不同的历史社会背景。本文由操纵理论出发,首先分别研究两译者所处时期的意识形态、诗学与赞助人因素。然后通过对翻译过程中原文选择及译文词汇、语义和风格层面的语言特色的分析,探讨操纵理论提出的三个文化因素对两译本的操纵作用。经过研究本文发现,意识形态、诗学与赞助人对两译本有不同程度的操纵。赵译本对原文的选择主要受到意识形态和诗学的影响,而王译本对原文的选择主要受到赞助人的影响。在结合实例分析的基础上,本文发现两译本的语言特色主要取决于译者的个人意识形态和诗学观念,部分情况中也受到其他文化因素的影响。
[Abstract]:The manipulative school represented by Andre Lefevere holds that translation studies should not be confined to the linguistic level, but should pay attention to the internal relationship between the translation process and its social and cultural environment, and study its patrons.The influence of ideology and Poetics on Translation. Alice Adventures in Wonderland is a world-famous masterpiece in the treasury of children's literature and has many Chinese translations.Mr. Zhao Yuanren was the first translator to introduce this work to Chinese readers. He reproduced the interesting and mysterious world of the original to Chinese readers in a humorous and humorous style. He also successfully translated the unique text game in the original text.In 2002, to commemorate the 170th anniversary of the birth of original author Louis Carroll, the Central Compiler Press invited Mr. Wang Yongnian, a translator, to retranslate the book.Zhao Yuanren and Wang Yongnian are written in different historical and social backgrounds.Based on the theory of manipulation, this paper first studies the ideology, poetics and patronage of the two translators.Then through the analysis of the choice of the original text and the linguistic features of the lexical, semantic and stylistic aspects of the target text in the translation process, the paper discusses the manipulation of the three cultural factors proposed by the manipulation theory on the two versions.It is found that ideology, poetics and patronage manipulate the two versions to varying degrees.Zhao's choice of the original text is mainly influenced by ideology and poetics, while Wang's choice of the original text is mainly influenced by his patrons.On the basis of the case study, this paper finds that the linguistic characteristics of the two versions are mainly determined by the translator's personal ideology and poetics, and in some cases are also influenced by other cultural factors.


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