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发布时间:2018-04-08 22:35

  本文选题:大学英语教师 切入点:教学自主能力 出处:《江南大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the reform of college English teaching has accelerated the reform of learning mode and teaching mode, among which autonomous learning model has become a hot topic in the field of foreign language teaching.Many scholars have found that student autonomy depends on teacher autonomy to a great extent, and the role of teachers in foreign language teaching should not be ignored.As far as college English teaching is concerned, teachers' teaching autonomy to some extent affects the change of teaching methods and the improvement of students' autonomy.Teachers' teaching autonomy also plays an irreplaceable role in promoting teachers' development.Therefore, under the background of the present teaching reform, teachers' autonomy, especially the inquiry of teachers' teaching autonomy, is becoming more and more urgent.The purpose of this paper is to explore the teaching autonomy of college English teachers in classroom teaching and its influencing factors, and to answer the following research question: 1) what is the teaching autonomy of college English teachers?(2) in classroom teaching, how does teacher's teaching autonomy affect classroom teaching? (3) in addition to individual objective factors, which factors also affect teachers' teaching autonomy?Based on the above research questions, this study takes a college English teacher as the research object, and adopts a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative research. Firstly, the information is collected by questionnaire, and 55 valid questionnaires are obtained.Results SPSS19.0 was input for analysis.In addition, three college English teachers from different teaching modules were observed for one semester, followed by an open interview to obtain qualitative data.Through the data analysis, the following results are obtained: the questionnaire data show that the teaching autonomy of college English teachers is at a high level, among which teachers have a high level of autonomy in the aspect of flexible mastery of teaching objectives;In the control of the teaching environment, the level of autonomy is weak.In addition, there is no significant difference in teaching autonomy among college English teachers in terms of gender, age, length of teaching, professional title and teaching module.The results of classroom observation and interviews show that college English teachers have a certain understanding of teaching autonomy and show some autonomy in classroom design and consciously promote students' autonomous learning.In addition, the factors influencing teachers' teaching autonomy include internal and external factors.The internal factors affecting teachers' autonomy are teachers' teaching motivation and professional ability, while the external factors mainly include students' enthusiasm, teaching progress and teachers' evaluation criteria.This study is helpful to understand the current situation of college English teachers' development and enlighten their professional ability, and at the same time, it can fully mobilize and develop teachers' enthusiasm, initiative and creativity.To provide some valuable advice for college English teachers.In addition, this study is of great significance to college English teaching. Improving teachers' autonomous teaching ability can play a more important role in teachers' main role and promote students' autonomous learning ability at the same time.


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